Chapter Forty Nine- Persephone

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"We can discuss things while we eat. You are starving, don't try to tell me any different," Hades says sliding my chair out for me and lifting an eyebrow as to say tell me I'm wrong.

Which he isn't. I know there is no use in arguing with him. He arranges me a plate then sets it down in front of me before starting on his own. He doesn't offer my mother anything and honestly, he hasn't even looked at her since we entered the room. Before I begin asking questions I take several bites of food humming as the taste dances around my mouth. Hades wasn't wrong, I was starving and apparently, I wasn't aware of how much until now. I glance toward my mother and she has taken a seat across from me but she hasn't gotten any food.

"It's delicious Mother you should get some food yourself," I say grinning at her as I chew the strawberry I just popped in my mouth.

She doesn't make a move toward the food though. Shaking her head she glances to Hades before saying "I ate before I came." Seconds later her eyes meet mine once more "But thank you for thinking of me my dear" she says smiling at me.

I continue eating the different fruit on my plate and I begin to grow impatient when neither of them starts talking. I take a couple more bites before I glance between the two of them "Okay which one of you is going to start."

They eye each other but Hades is the one that takes the lead. Clearing his throat he says "Your mother has come with some grave news."

My heart speeds up and my brain flips through any possible scenarios and to be honest, my mind usually creates much worse outcomes. I wait and attempt to control the creations happening in my mind.

Hades doesn't torment me for long holding my gaze he continues "Somehow you are tied to the land back on Earth and with your absence changes have occurred."

Furrowing my brow I glance between them "What kind of changes?"

Hades has leaned forward his arms folded on the table, his plate no longer present. Mother on the other hand is sitting straight in her chair with her hands folded in her lap. To look between them you would not guess that they are related, they look nothing alike. Mother is light with her bronze skin and golden hair when compared to Hades and his pale skin and black hair. But deeper than physical appearance there is something similar. I guess when you live millennium you would have something in common.

"I don't know a better way to say this My Little Flower... the land isn't as healthy. Neither of us has seen this before but I just returned from your meadow and the flowers and trees are dying..."

He is moving the moment the last word leaves his mouth. Anticipating my reaction he is crotched down beside me grasping my hand. Mother hasn't spoken she is allowing Hades to explain this to me for some reason. Turning to her I ask my voice coming out higher than normal "What does he mean it's dying?"

"Well honey as Hades said we aren't sure what is happening but it started gradually. I thought it would stop but it has only progressed and the only factor that has changed is you leaving. It would make sense with your gifts that you would affect the land around us. Especially considering you helped it grow in the first place" she says seeming to be unbothered by the whole conversation picking at her dress sleeve as she speaks.

Growing agitated with her I bring my attention back to Hades "So how do we fix it?"

I see his throat bob as he swallows. He seems nervous with this area of the conversation. The silver in his eyes has begun to swirl a little more than they were before.

"Your mother wants to take you back to try to reverse what has happened," He says as his thumb strokes the top of my hand.

Now it's my turn to swallow hard. That would mean leaving Hades and the life I had just begun to build here. But I couldn't let the land I love so much die. Reaching up I cup his cheek and smile sadly at the thought of leaving him "I won't have to stay long right? I mean a couple of months should bring it back to normal."

His eyes appear to sadden more with my statement "This would have to be a regular occurrence. You would have to split the year between the two realms to keep the balance."

I now understood the reason for his sadness. He doesn't think I would make the decision to split my life in that way. Little does he know he has captivated me body and soul. I am helplessly in love with him. Of course, he doesn't know I have never spoken the words to him. Not even known to myself until recently.

"But I must tell you..." Hades trials off, the tone of his voice causes my back to straighten. Whatever it is he is nervous about the words that will be leaving his mouth, which causes me to be nervous. "I do not know if you will be able to stay the entire six months."

Tilting my head, I furrow my brows in confusion "Why would that be an issue?"

Hades sighs before lowering his gaze to his hands "Because you will not be able to leave the Underworld for extended periods of time." He glares at my mother, who ignores him completely, before meeting my gaze "Your mother forgot to explain to you one small factor of this realm. If you eat here you belong to the realm. I thought she had explained every aspect, including that one, to you before you arrived but I was just informed she did not."

Stunned my eyes widen at the realization. Had I planned on staying away? No, but to have the choice taken from me is a betrayal. I stand abruptly causing my chair to fall back "How could you? You sent me here knowing I couldn't come back! First, you wouldn't let me leave your side and then you cast me away as if I was nothing to you!" Anger flooded me and I directed every ounce at her. Mother jerked back as if I had physically assaulted her. I had never raised my voice to her before, I had never had to. But this...

Her shoulders slumped like all the air had left her body "I didn't want to take the chance that you would refuse to come. I knew you two needed each other and I did what I felt was right."

My anger decreased slightly but not my body. It is still vibrating, "You had no way of knowing I would fall in love with him! You gambled on your only daughter on a hunch" I shout throwing my arms up in the air. "Do I want to leave him... no, but what if I had! What if it hadn't worked out? Gods, what if he doesn't care for me as I do for him?"

"You love me?" Hades deep voice interrupts my rant. Oh gods, I had forgotten wherewe were. Closing my eyes, I try to control my humiliation. I had just shoutedmy feelings for the entire realm to hear without thinking for one second about whowould hear. A hand cups my cheek and I relax at his touch "I love youPersephone."

Dark Petals (A Hades and Persephone story)Where stories live. Discover now