Chapter Thirty Nine- Persephone

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Hades turns his eyes toward me appearing almost worried as he gauges my reaction. The glow of the liquid is the only light in the room. So unlike the room below that had become as bright as the sun right before Zephyr arrived. He arrived as a man and left as a glowing ball of light, whatever he found after that I am not sure. However, he appeared at peace and ready for whatever it was.

Hades has not said anything. He just watches as I process everything I have witnessed. Honestly, it's not a bad process but different. Something I had never acknowledged before now. Yes, I realized humans life spans expire at one time or another but I didn't know the next step. Where did they go? What happens to them? That couldn't be the end, could it? Now I am more aware, and it's not what I would have thought.

I finally finish shuffling through my thoughts and ask, "Is it like that each time?"

"No," he says gently. "Some are not ready as Zephyr was for one reason or another and it is harder for them."

"How is their transition different?" I ask genuinely curious.

"It takes more time mainly along with more emotions but some refuse to transition leaving them a wandering soul" he explains, his eyes continue to watch and search for any reaction that he may need to explain further.

"A wandering soul?" I ask, my brows furrowing in confusion. Hades nods realizing he didn't explain that area "They are souls that do not go on to their intended afterlife. They cannot accept that they are no longer living. Most have been taken suddenly and they do not have the time to process it. However, there are a few that have had time but are angry and cannot move on from that. With insistences such as those they go back to the earthly plane and wander."

"Like a ghost?" I have only ever heard of them, never having seen such a thing though.

"Yes, that is a term humans came up with to explain what their brain cannot" Hades answers. We continue to stand beside the well consumed by the conversation. I take a step back toward the door and Hades follows. I blink when I open the door having to adjust my eyes to the light. Cerberus blocks the way out initially and I have to give him a shove. No matter how small the shove he gets the point and backs up. I don't know where to go once out in the corridor, so I look to Hades.

"This is what you wanted my assistance with?" I ask for clarification.

He nods, "I think you could make a difference with some of them."

"I don't know if I agree but I am willing to try. When would you like me to attempt?" I ask just as Cerberus's ears perk up.

Hades turns toward him looking down the corridor in the direction of the stairway, "Now?"

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