Chapter Fifty Five- Persephone

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I knew the moment when we arrived despite my eyes being closed. The wind blows my hair around, tickling my face. I leave my eyes closed for a little longer, enjoying the feel of the sun on my skin. There is nothing like it and one of the things I missed. It's as if it's personally welcoming me back.

Hello, my old friend.


At my mother's voice, I open my eyes and instantly wish I hadn't. My eyes frantically scan my surroundings. This can't be right. The only recognizable thing is the cottage. Everything else is gone. As the panic in my chest builds, my body takes over. My mind shuts down as my arms pump with each stride down the path. My feet catch on something unseen and throws my body forward. I throw my hands out, attempting to protect myself as I fall. The ground comes up fast to meet me, and I land with a thud. Breathing ragged, I look up. The butterflies in my chest are desperately trying to find a way out.

My meadow...

Gods, what has happened? Everything is dead—the trees, flowers, bushes. Everything, even the grass beneath my hand is hard and brittle. I slowly push myself up onto my knees. My shock pumps wildly through my veins as my mind tries to process what exactly is going on.

Footsteps crunch under the nonliving blades of grass, but I don't look up. I stare down at my hands. Blood begins to seep from the tears in my skin due to the impact of the ground.

"Are you okay, my dear?" Mother asks as she eyes me cautiously.

"How did this happen?" I ask, my voice sounding unlike my own. Numb with no emotion laced within my words.

"I am not sure. It was a gradual process, but it began after you left. Know I wouldn't have asked you to come back if I had not feared for the worst," she says, crouching down to be beside me.

I know she is being honest, but I do not know what to do. I have never seen it in this state before, and I don't know the first thing about helping it.

"I don't know what to do," I confess, letting my worries out so that they do not eat away at me.

"I think your presence will be enough for now. With time we will figure out what to do next," she says with a touch of my shoulder.

I don't know if she is correct, but there is nothing else that I can do at this time. Looking down, I watch my blood pool in the middle of my palms.

"We need to get you cleaned up. Come along," Mother instructs and stands from her position. Despite sitting in the dirt, she shows no sign of it.

I press my bloody hands to the ground as I stand. With the contact, a bright light surrounds my hands. Shocked, my first reaction is to pull my hands away. Glancing at my palms, I gasp at the sight of my newly healed flesh. Not one scratch remains. I whip my head in my mother's direction to show her, but she isn't looking at me. I follow her gaze, and this time every ounce of breath is taken from me. There, where my hands, not just my hands but my blood, had touched the ground, there was beautiful lush green grass.

Mymouth hangs open as I glance at Mother. Her eyes flick to me, and her faceshows full of relief. "I knew you were what it needed."

Dark Petals (A Hades and Persephone story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin