Chapter Fifteen - Hades

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I stare straight ahead as we arrive in the sitting room. I don't look at Persephone. I don't want to see the disappointment or regret that I am sure is there.

Why she willingly chose this still confuses me. My thoughts rapidly flick from one to another. I only hope she was told the entirety that involves this realm. I have yet to look in her direction. But the shiver that runs up my arm causes me to cut my eyes in her direction.

My breath hitches at my first glance of her, she's changed. She's different.

The travel between worlds has affected her physically. I have never known it to affect someone in that way before. Whereas her hair had shown as a flame, it now resembles a ruby. Dark with hints of red within.

Persephone had been breathtaking the first time I laid eyes on her. Now, not only does she take my breath away, she is alluring. The dark locks enhance her milky skin. Skin that is now flawless. No freckles to be seen. So, her hair is not the only thing affected.

Desires unknown to me ignite in my blood. Images of my tongue sliding over that now flawless skin bringing forth shivers to run along her body, similar to the one that just ascended from her. I stiffen as the effects of my thoughts wreak havoc over my body. When she twirls, her gaze holds mine, it does nothing but strengthens my urges.

Her green eyes reveal her shock at finally discovering the change in her appearance. In amazement she studies her hair, pulling it out and twisting it in different angles.

Confusion is etched all over her face when she turns back to me. No words have left her yet, but I can see the thoughts trying to escape.

Persephone's musical voice emits a whispered, "How?"

But I don't answer right away because honestly, I don't know how this happened. I look over her. Her eyes seem brighter against the dark hair that now belongs to her. I take a deep breath and push the urges back where they began. "I am not sure. This may be the first time this has happened."

Persephone's plump lips part as she tries to work through the thoughts and questions I am sure are bombarding her mind. Her chest rises and falls as her breaths escape her open lips.

Clearing my throat, I clench my hands behind my back "If you wish to have answers, I will attempt to find them..." I try to reassure her I should stop there, but I can't, "I think it's beautiful."

Her posture changes, and her hands fall to her sides. Her breathing changes as her chest begins to fall more rapidly. My thoughts flick through numerous ways I could create the same response from her body.

Averting my eyes, I clear my throat once more "If you wish I could show you to your room. Tomorrow we could begin the tour of the rest of my home."

Persephone nods, smoothing the front of her dress she drops her gaze to the floor "I would like that."

Swallowing, I nod, "Very well. Follow me."

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