Chapter Five - Persephone

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I sit at the wooden kitchen table looking out the open windows. The sky takes on the pinkish glow alighting the purpose of another day. Though I'm not going to the meadow this morning that doesn't mean I want to miss the darkness vanishing.

Mother places a bowl of steaming oatmeal in front of me gaining my attention "Thank you."

"You're welcome dear" she responds scooping herself some from the pot and coming to sit beside me.

My attention drifts once more outside, to the little birds flying around stretching their wings for the first time today. They float on the warm breeze gliding around before finding their place once more on the tree limbs.

"Do you know what all is needed?" Mother asks pulling me back from my daydreaming once again.

"Yes ma'am" I reply listing off the many things we need from the village. "Aren't you coming with me?" I ask curiosity buzzing around in my mind.

Mother stirs some jam into her bowl saying, "I don't believe I am. There are things around here I must take care of. I trust you can handle this."

My hand stops in the middle of scooping my next spoonful. I have to replay her words because honestly, I don't believe I have ever heard her say them before. I'm not even sure I heard her correctly. I open and close my mouth several times as I try to think of my next words. "If you're sure" I finally manage to say and eat the oatmeal that has been patiently waiting.

"Of course, unless you need me to travel with you" Mother says glancing at me questionably.

"Oh no. I will be fine Thank you"

I'm not sure what has changed but I don't wish to disrupt what is happening. I have never been into the village by myself... or well anywhere. Besides the meadow she has always accompanied me. Which when I was younger, I enjoyed having a companion no matter what I did or where I went... and if I'm honest my mother has been my greatest friend for... well... my entire life. Its as I've grown older that the restlessness has filled my veins with no relief in sight.

Or maybe there is. This may be my chance to show her how I can indeed handle any task she provides. Finishing off the oatmeal I wash my bowl and place it face down to dry.

I quickly braid my hair and gather my satchel along with a container of water. The village is about an hour travel and with the sun at its highest I know thirst will be upon soon and often. Leaning over, I place a kiss on mother cheek "Goodbye, I will be back before supper."

She kisses me back brushing a few fallen strands of hair from my face. She looks at me, her eyes scanning me fully, I can almost detect a hint of worry deep within her eyes "Goodbye, be safe my dear."


The bottom of my dress brushes the dusty trail that is leading me toward civilization. Nature begins its course of waking up as the sun continues its climb in the sky making the journey a little less dull. Usually I have my mother to converse with but not this time. I have to rely on myself to keep the lonely feelings at bay.

What is the matter with me, this is what I wanted to have – independence. I just wished it helped pass the miles. Once again, my attention is drawn to the birds, they are now fully awake. Soaring high through the sky they pass right below the clouds. A small smile tugs on my lips, I may not have the freedom they experience every minute... but this is the first step. Giddiness pulses through me as thoughts of the future flash through my mind. My steps turn to skips, I pick up speed as I descend the hill in front of me. I stumble on the last couple of steps of the embanked dirt. Laughter bubbles out of me and I resume my steps following the winding curves that let me know I have reached my halfway point. The warm breeze joins me, ruffling any loose hair fallen from my braid.

A small nightingale perches on a branch hanging over the path. Its head twitches from side to side like it can't quite figure out what I am.

Grinning I sing a short tune.

It stills.

I sing again, this time the notes flow freely from my throat floating away from me and into the surrounding trees.

The brightly colored bird bounces back and forth on the limb, its excitement showing. This time it grants me the pleasure of hearing its own song.

Back and forth we continue this exchange for some time but soon I am the one to still. I have an overwhelming feeling that someone or rather something is watching me. Looking around, I see nothing within the immediate tree line. Yet the feeling is still there. I glance further through the brush and trees, for a moment I think I catch sight of something, but I don't know what. Almost as quick as it came on the feeling fades. I turn back to where my new friend had been, but sadly it is gone leaving the branch empty.

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