Chapter Sixty - Persephone

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When I woke, the room was dark, and I was alone. Sighing, I rolled, and the twilight outside revealed it was time for another day to begin. I feel guilty for the dread because I do love being here. Maybe if I had had time to pursue the new emotions instead of being pulled away suddenly, I wouldn't feel this way. Pushing past my inner voice, I pull back the blankets and sit at the edge of the bed. There were just a few more days, so I better enjoy where I am instead of wallowing because Hades will be there when I get back. I grin at that thought, and I push myself up from the bed and head for the bathing room.

Once I have myself presentable, I walk through the darkened cottage. I'm not sure whether Mother is asleep or not, but I keep quiet as I maneuver around just in case. I grab an apple and head for the door. Stepping outside and into the brightening darkness, I am at peace as I begin my way down the path that my feet helped create. One bite at a time, I make the apple vanish in the time it takes me to reach my meadow.

I sigh a breath of relief as I take it in. All the love, sweat, and pain I poured into it brought every tiny piece of it back to life. I could let the grief of being away from Hades take over, but how could I when something as precious could live again. It will be challenging, but I will gladly give up six months each year to keep this thriving.

Nestled in the core of my breakfast are its tiny seeds. I pick each one out and carry them to a corner of the meadow. Digging a small hole, I drop each one in before putting the dirt back into place. I pat the little mound packing it down lightly. My hand lingers, resting on top as I exhale and let my power help it along. It's the sensation of water flowing down my arm as the unseen gift courses into the dirt below my hand. It isn't long until I feel a little nudge on my palm. When I lift my hand, a small green plant is nestled in the disrupted ground.

I can't help but smile, "Don't worry, I will provide you with all you need before I leave."


The weather had improved as the land around us awakened. Mother and I decided to take advantage of the warm day to take a swim. Farther into the trees behind the cottage, there is a swimming hole that not many people know about. Beneath the water, you can see the edges of the cave that make up the hole itself. The water itself is transparent, allowing you to see all the details of the world below. I had tried many times, but I could not go far into the cave. I can only hold my breath for so long. Mother laughed when I gasped and sputtered after breaking the surface, knowing that I pushed myself a little too far. But the difference is that she doesn't even try so she could laugh all she wanted. I had been able to be with the fish and other creatures for at least a minute. Mother didn't know what she was missing. You could only see so much from the top, but beneath felt like another world. Before going to the Underworld, this was a form of escape for me. It made my heart soar, even if it was just for a moment.

Today isn't much different as Mother floats along the top. As do I during my rest breaks of diving below but she is content to go no further.

"I have enjoyed you being back, my dear," Mother says, her head laid back in the water and her eyes closed.

"I have also," I reply as I kick my legs to stay afloat.

"But I know you are anxious to get back to the Underworld," she says, her position unchanging.

I hold my words for a moment and decide not to lie, "I am."

She lifts her head, looking over toward me, "I am truly happy for you. I knew you two needed each other. I am just glad it worked out. Hades is a lovely being, and it pained me to watch him vanish bit by bit over time."

"That is one of the reasons I fell in love with him. He doesn't see how beautiful he is, the darkness within him and every other part included. I hope to show him as often as I can," I say, smiling as I think of being with him once more in just a few short days.

"Well, let's make the best of the time we have together, and I will visit you in your new home soon after your return" her smile mimics mine.

"Yes,ma'am," I say and dive deep into the water, leaving her just for a momenton the surface to in the underwater world.

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