Chapter Three - Persephone

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I feel his eyes on me as I move about the kitchen.

It's unnerving, what about me would draw his attention? I ignore him, my back remaining to him and I bring my mind back to the task at hand. Mother had decided we were to make stew for our guest, so I cut up vegetables dropping handfuls at a time into the pot.

Mother's humming floats all around the kitchen causing a smile to pull at my lips. She is always happy but today she seems joyous. I guess that could be attributed to him. My mother and her siblings are a little different than all other children. She has never explained in depth to me what that means just saying they love each other and nothing else matters. I haven't met many of them just Zeus, Hera, and Heista... well until now. Each of them had been approachable and quite talkative. Hades, though, remained silent only talking when spoken too. His hands placed on his lap while his back is straight, like he refused comfort.

Once its ready I dip some from the pot and serve each of us a bowl. Quietly sitting across from him I wait for mother to sit. I don't think her smile has left her face at all since coming to retrieve me from the meadow. She directs it at Hades saying "Enjoy" before picking up her spoon and tasting the first bite. She doesn't give there a chance to be any awkward silence as she continuously asks him questions. She is either unaware of the tension radiantly from him... or maybe she just doesn't care.

Feeling sorry for him and all her attention I try to draw it to myself saying "Mother the land is requiring less and less assistance. I do believe soon it won't need us at all."

Reaching over she pats my hand "That's lovely dear."

"What is it you do for it?" Hades asks his deep voice slithering over me like a dark caress.

Blushing I angle my head toward my bowl before answering "I provide it with the energy it seems to have trouble creating by itself. I only give it the nudge it needs."

"That's fascinating. If only such gifts would work in my realm" he says mumbling the last part more to himself than a response to me.

I slowly lift my eyes, there seemed to be such sadness spoken in that one sentence. "What's it like... there?" I couldn't bring myself to say the Underworld. My tongue felt like lead at the thought of trying. I didn't know much about it just the stories and rumors I had heard through other people. But from what they had to say it didn't seem like a pleasant place, whether in general it was horrid or more so because of him... that I wasn't sure.

He doesn't respond right away. He holds my gaze his eyes conveying more than he is willing to say out loud "It's quiet."

I stare back into those silver eyes, eyes that have seen more in this life than I ever hope too. Behind them seemed to be a yearning for some form of social interaction but it was like he didn't know how or attempt to attain it. And that made me sad... to think of someone that alone. One who had no hope.

"How is Cerberus?" mother asks her eyes glancing between us.

His lips twitch indicating the possibility of a smile "He stays in trouble."

Waving a hand dismissively she chuckles, "Oh what do you expect."

I lean forward slightly looking between them asking, "Who's Cerberus?"

"He's my pet. A dog, even though he would believe otherwise" Hades replies his eyes seeming alive for the first time since meeting him.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, unsure of what he means.

His eyes dance around my face, one side of his lips turning up "He believes himself to be people just as you and me."

I hold my breath, that single movement transforms his face into something of loveliness... dark beauty. My widened eyes are enough to bring his attention to the change, the smile slipping away back into the depths of that solemn face. A knot forms in my chest as he retreats back into himself.

Nodding he stands taking his bowl over to the counter before turning toward mother "It was good to see you. Thank you for the meal."

She stands immediately wrapping her arms around him squeezing tightly "Please don't stay away so long next time."

He stiffens upon her first touch but slowly you can see the tension leave his body as he hugs her back "I will try."

Turning toward me his gaze holds mine again those silver eyes seeming to peer into my soul. He doesn't step forward to embrace me but simply stays where he is "It was nice to meet you Persephone."

Smiling I say "You too Hades" I take one step toward him but before I can take another he is gone.

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