Chapter Six - Persephone

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I did it.

I managed to get everything on the list and am now headed back the way I came. The sun and I are seemingly chasing each other throughout the day. Sweat drips down the center of my back. Unlike this morning, the sun has now passed its peak in the sky and is giving off more heat. Whereas my satchel was empty before, it is now full. The weight making my movements increasingly sluggish but neither has dimmed my mood.

I did it!

I traveled the distance and collected what we needed by myself, and I would be home in plenty of enough time for supper, just as I promised. As the miles pass, I shift the items around, their weight becoming uncomfortable. I soon make it to the halfway point with no sign of my friend, the nightingale.

Sighing I think back to its beautiful song, wishing I could somehow recreate a small piece of it. My own voice unable to match its unique sound, though I try as I continue my journey home. After I realize it is impossible to copy it, I soon begin making it my own. Our sounds mingling together into one beautiful melody. In which I sing, continuing to build it until I am climbing the small hill to my cottage.

Mother stands outside, waiting for me. I smile and give her a small wave. Her face splits into a beautiful grin, and she walks to meet me. She links her arm with mine and matches my pace.

Smiling at her I say, "I retrieved everything that you needed."

She squeezes my arm "I knew you would. Did you say hello to the shopkeepers for me?"

"Yes, ma'am. They each said they hoped to see you next time and asked about your health." I chuckle "I guess they assumed you had to be sick not to come with me."

The scent of dinner wafts through the front door, and my stomach rumbles in reaction. Mother closes the door behind us, and I begin unloading my satchel, but she stops me "Let's eat then we can put away everything."

I begin to object, but she merely holds up a hand "I heard your stomach, my dear. The things will be there when we are done so let's sit, eat, and enjoy ourselves.

"Okay" I grin tossing my satchel over the back of the chair leaving it there for now. I wash my hands while Mother brings the food to the table. My mouth starts watering just looking at the roasted chicken and carrots. I guess I am hungrier than I thought to be. I wait patiently for her to take the chair beside me and once she has, I quickly pop a carrot in my mouth. I didn't think it possible but it's as if it melts on my tongue. A soft groan escapes my throat, and I take a piece of chicken next. Soon my plate is bare. I rub my stomach as it protrudes. Looking at Mother, I say, "Thank you, it was delicious."

"Your groan alone told me your thoughts" she chuckles "It was delicious though wasn't it."

"Yes ma'am" I stand, gathering the dishes and taking them to the sink I wash them up. Mother unloads my satchel and places everything where it needs to go. I try to help, but she shoos me away telling me to go rest. I go to my room and close the door behind me. A smile spreads across my face, and I think back to my journey. My first experience of independence, no matter how small it is so much more than I could have ever imagined.


The excitement running through me finally begins to dim, and my body relaxes into the bed. A peaceful calm settles over me and exhaustion from my trip takes over. As my eyes grow heavy, I'm met by darkness. It begins to shift, and silver eyes are the first thing that evolves within the black. Silver eyes that couldn't be mistaken. Then his sharp cheekbones take shape along with his narrow straight nose. Pale greyish skin just as I remember. The only difference is that his hair isn't bound but laying freely on his shoulders.

Only a small space separates us, and no words are said. We hold each other's gaze energy flows between us. Similar to the excitement I felt just earlier.

He lifts his hand and barely grazes my cheek.

My eyes fly open upon the contact, and I look around my room. That had been the most real dream I have ever had. It felt like he actually touched my cheek. I rest my hand on my heaving chest and try to calm my racing heart.

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