Chapter Twenty Seven - Persephone

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"Cerberus bring that back!" I shout as he runs down the winding corridors. I try to keep up, but he is faster and well his strides make up ten of mine. I keep sight of his tail and that is my guiding factor of where he is going.

While we were playing in my room, he snatched one of my sandals and took off out the door. My slow processing of what exactly was happening along with his speed has not helped with the chase.

He darts through a door, one I'm not familiar with, and disappears. Pumping my arms, I speed up and cross through the open door.

My steps slow from a run to a fast walk of sorts as my eyes try to take in the sight in front of me.

A large semi-empty room with the same stone walls and floor wrap in a circle around me. Pots surround a dirt patch in the middle of the floor. Cerberus stands in front of the patch, my sandal laying at his feet.

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask the overgrown baby, my hands on my hips as I furrow my brows at him.

His answering bark radiates around the room.

"He did what I asked" Hades voice wraps around me from behind.

Slowly turning I find him a little through the threshold with his hands tucked in his pants pockets per usual.

"Well I asked him to lead you here however I did not specify how. I hope your shoe is still intact."

I don't even look back at it. The shoe is the last thing on my mind "Where are we?"

"Well, I honestly couldn't tell you what this room used to be. It has been empty long enough for no memory to be present" he steps closer "I thought it could be put to some use and be your garden."

My heart kicks up and is beating off the inside of my chest. The pots and dirt now make complete sense. The list starts growing as I think of the different things I could create.

"Do you like it?" Hades asks after I have not responded.

"Yes!" I say, the excitement busting from me. Closing the space between us I throw myself around him, hugging his neck.

He stiffens under my touch and my excitement drains from me as I realize what I have done. Jumping back, I begin dragging my hair forward covering the mortification that has filled my face.

"I'm sorry" I stammer. "Thank... thank you for the space, I love it."

"Don't apologize and I'm glad it's something you can use" Hades answers his body still statue-like. "Do you need anything to get started?"

"I have never tried to grow something on my own without it already being established. I'm not sure I have the ability. I would probably need seeds."

"Okay. Let me know if there is anything particular and it will be provided."

Before he finishes his sentence, I am already rattling off a few of my favorite flowers. "If possible – can I have sunflowers, roses, and iris's?" I ask my glee returning with the thoughts of watching them grow. "If you aren't able to retrieve them that's okay, any flower will do, they just happen to be my favorites."

"I will see what I can do" Hades nods "Is there anything else you would like?"

"No, not that I can think of at the moment. Maybe something will come to mind later. But if it does the ones, I gave you now will be fine. Thank you again" I ramble on unable to stop myself. "Oh! If you would like to get some vegetable or fruit seeds, I can help supply the kitchen with fresh food."

"Anything particular?" he asks raising an eyebrow.

Tipping my head back I tap my finger to my chin "Carrots, cucumbers, strawberries, watermelons, and tomatoes would be a good start."

Smirking he says, "I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you" I smile bouncing up and down. "Thank you for all of this, I can't explain what it means to me."

"I'm glad I could bring you some joy" Hades looks around the space than his gaze lands back on me. His expression changing "I have to get going. I will see you at dinner."

Andthen he's gone, showing off his vanishing trick once more.

Dark Petals (A Hades and Persephone story)Where stories live. Discover now