Chapter Thirty Four - Persephone

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Sinking my hands in the dirt is one of the most natural things I could do. I feel at peace when working and helping mother nature along where she needs it. My beauties are growing, slowly but as long as they grow I don't care how long it takes. I am proud of the fact they are resilient enough to grow from what I can provide and their own determination. It must be hard with no sun to fuel the process. I spend most of my time with my makeshift garden well until it's time for dinner.

I don't ever miss dinner.

Hades even spends a little bit of free time he has with me. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and he often listens as I explain the different aspects of each flower. Whether he actually cares or not.

"This particular flower will grow tall, well if normal rules apply that is" I explain adjusting the dirt around the small budding sprig. "I have seen some sunflowers taller than I am," I say, giving it some water and some soft-spoken encouragement.

"It is well on its way," Hades says as he digs another hole and drops a seed into the abyss.

"I hope the vegetables do well" I eye the seed he just dropped into its new home.

"The flowers have begun their journey I am sure the vegetables will follow suit" he assures me before covering it with dirt.

We planet a few more before it is time to wash up for dinner. We walk to my room and then make our way to the dining hall. Things around here have become a comfortable normal. I go through periods of missing Mother and our little cottage but things aren't as bad as one would have thought when first presented with the idea. I enjoy my part here, I know it's not a big part but for right now it's enough.

The corridors are quiet, our shoes being the only thing making noise as usual. Riding the excitement from the day I look down at the amazing dress that appeared in my closet and say "I'm glad I came here." I don't dare look up because I don't want to witness the humiliation that may be lying in wait. I live in the joy that it was created from saying the statement out loud.

The silence stretches but you know what, that's okay. I didn't say it with any expectations in mind. We continue our walk and I begin to embrace the quiet.

"I am also glad you agreed to come."

His words surprise me, but I don't let him know it. I smile and turn the corner. We have almost arrived at the dining room. Lost in my own bliss I don't realize when I step on the edge of my dress. I am flung forward and collide with Hades. It doesn't take much to right myself but he steadies me, his hands hold my shoulders and I shiver.

It goes unnoticed by him and he doesn't let go right away. I swallow as his hands caress down my arms as he lowers them. The light touch of his fingertips to mine sends goosebumps over my skin and images of him caressing other areas of my body flash through my mind.

"Are you okay?" he asks concern apparent on his face.

No words form in my mind as I watch his lips move and remember how they felt on mine. I fight back the shiver pushing the images out of my mind and nod my head.

"Let us get you something to eat," he says as his hand finds the small of my back guiding me that way.

If I wasn't sure before I'm certain now that I am in trouble.

** Hey guys, thank you so much for continuing on Hades and Persephone's journey with me. I love reading all your comments and experiencing your excitement with you. I hope you enjoy and I will be posting the next addition in the new year. Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, and Happy New Year guys!!

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