Chapter Forty Six- Hades

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I walk in a daze my brain reeling from the evening's events. Unsure of exactly where I was going I find myself staring down at the souls, the spot where I about lost her. She can't be aware of how close she was to losing herself completely. My chest aches at the thought of her body being present but the soul I have grown to love being gone forever. The blue liquid swirls faces coming to the surface as they go around. I know what they desire but I can't help but be angry at the attempt on Persephone's life.

Cerberus growls from the hallway causing me to turn. He is down in his stance and about to pounce by the time I make it to the doorway. I am still unsure what the threat is but by his reaction I know something is coming. The air churns and the veil between realms begins to thin. Demeter appears at the far side of the hallway. She takes one look at Cerberus and raises an eyebrow.

"Are you going to calm him down?" she says flicking her gaze to me.

"Cerberus," I say, he stands to his full height no longer ready to attack however he continues to growl low revealing gleams of his teeth.

"Is this necessary?" Demeter asks her eyes locking on Cerberus. She hasn't moved, gauging the situation and whether her safety would be endangered if she did.

"Cerberus," I say one more time. The growls stop but each set of eyes remain glaring in her direction.

My commands, no matter how short, usually halt him but this time something is different. He is unable to relax and ready for whatever he feels is about to happen. I close the door behind me placing a barrier between us and the souls in an attempt to calm him, but it doesn't seem to have an effect on him. I suppose he is on edge himself from today.

Momentarily I take my attention off of him giving it to Demeter "Hello sister."

"Hades I am not here for pleasantries I am just going to get to the point. Persephone has to come home."

The words don't register, they fall on deaf ears as I stare at her. Cerberus immediately begins growling again and it's then that I realize he knew. Maybe not exactly what was coming but he knew Persephone was involved and that was why he was hostile. He cared for her as much as I do.

"She can't." I don't say more. I don't know what to say other than that. All contentment I had gradually begun to experience rushes away with the thoughts of what time without her will be like now that I have experienced it.

"I'm not asking. She has to come back, the land is dying without her there" Demeter responds walking toward me.

Cerberus takes a step in front of me baring his teeth once more. I reach out a hand and lay it on the back of his neck letting him know it's okay. He flinches at my touch but he quiets. "What do you mean?" I ask showing no emotion not letting her know the effect this is having on me.

"Come with me to the cottage, I will show you," she says but doesn't come any closer. She holds out her hand for me to take without putting herself in harm's way.

I give Cerberus a look silently telling him to go find Persephone as I step around him and take her hand.

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