Chapter Fifty One- Persephone

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I allow him to lead me wherever it is he wants. Our pace is unhurried; however, I am finding that I wish he would pick up the pace a little. At this time, I am more concerned with calming my racing heart and the anxiety running through my veins. It's not a wrong type of anxiety, more of excitement and anticipation that is causing me to feel like butterflies are running freely throughout my entire body.

Hades looks to me as we stop outside of a large door. It's similar to others that I have seen within these halls—carved with scenes of the oceans and nature seen on Earth. A place that he craved to be instead of banished to live beneath the ground. He pushes the unique door open, and he gently pulls me inside.

I had not been in this room before. Everything was neutral in color, mostly grey. The space spanned between a living area, a bedroom, and then into a bathing room – each larger than my bedroom. I am not upset that my room is smaller because it is still larger than anything I have had before. But this, it exceeds that by tenfold.

A small couch sits over to the side along the stone wall. Beside it is a massive bookcase, each shelf filled with no space remaining. It went from floor to ceiling and the remaining length of the wall. There had to be a thousand books sitting on those shelves.

Hades had dropped my hand at some point, letting me explore the room. There was a huge four-poster bed in the connecting bedroom with grey satin sheets stretching across its vast bulk. My blood begins to sing at the sight of it. I had no understanding of this area of life, but gods, I couldn't wait to experience it. Before Hades, I had no desire or interest in any such things, but something about him invoked feelings and urges unknown until now.

Despite my lack of experience, I decided that I wanted whatever he would give me. Slowly I step toward him, both of us maintaining eye contact the entire way. Once I am standing in front of him, I wait a second before I stretch up and kiss him.

Hades follows my lead, deepening the kiss securing his hand on the nape of my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck, grabbing fists full of his hair. His hand moves, and he lifts me under my arms. As I rise, I lock my legs around his waist. We are moving, but I have no idea the location, but I hoped it was to the bed. Our mouths continue their exploration, his occasionally straying down my neck, leaving heat in their wake. Lucky for me, I was indeed right in my assumption as I was gently placed on the sheets.

Hades breaks the kiss pulling back from me. His eyes scan over my face lingering on my swollen lips. "We don't have to do anything you are not comfortable with," he says, bringing his gaze to my eyes.

I don't speak and stand from the edge of the bed. He steps back slightly, giving me space. With shaking hands, I slide my dress down my arms. It falls, pooling at my feet, leaving me mostly bare to him. The area between my legs is the only part of me covered.

At the sight of my breasts, Hades sucks in a breath. His eyes are devouring every inch of me. I begin to become self-conscious under his gaze, and I begin to fidget. Hades, however, puts me out of my misery. A low rumble sounds in his chest, and he stalks toward me. Gathering me in his arms, he kisses me more fiercely than before. Gently he lowers me to the bed, but his kiss never slows. His mouth roamed over my body, causing me to grow more feverish. I cannot keep my hands still and run them over his chest and back.

He stops right above my undergarment, and I look down the length of my naked body. He is staring at me, his eyes churning more than I have ever seen them.

"Do you want me to continue" he growled as he held the top of the fabric.

"Yes, please," I say breathlessly.

Towhich he doesn't ask any more questions. He does just as I ask and shows me howmuch he loves me in every way throughout the day.

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