Chapter Twenty Six - Persephone

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Much like the dinners the walks continued. He also took up the seat beside me from that night on. Though he had not taken up my offer of me helping him I'm still glad I said it. It definitely would have given me something to do but also he could allow himself to relax a little. But I have been keeping myself entertained for the most part. On top of drawing supplies, paints magically arrived one day.

I have found that I love painting. I have got a splatter of paint on probably every surface of my room. At first, I was upset that I ruined the beautiful rug but after dinner, it was gone. I still haven't figured out who does the cooking or cleaning but I am grateful to them none the less. I try to be careful but that doesn't seem to work.

Staring at the canvas in front of me I sigh. It's missing something I just can't pinpoint what. I picture the sunrise in my mind, the oranges, and pinks blending together. Which I have captured but what else...

I brush a strand of hair that wiggled its way loose and feel the wet smear in the process. Looking down at my hand, pink paint lays there and now appears across my cheek. Chuckling I shake my head and bring my attention back to the canvas.


It's missing purple!

I remember the purple taking form as the pink and oranges came to life. I lay the purple over the colors already present and encourage them to mingle. With each stroke, I create a relationship between the colors. One stroke at a time I bring to life my favorite place in the world.

My meadow.

Andwith that little addition, my meadow stares back at me and I can't fight thehappy tears that stream from my eyes.

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