Chapter Forty- Persephone

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My palms begin to sweat. Now? Can I do this after just one example? One that according to Hades was easy and not normal. What if this one isn't like Zephyr and I can't handle it?

A gentle touch brings me back from the chaos within my mind.

"If you aren't ready, it's okay. I don't mean for you to be burdened with this" Hades replies genuinely.

Burden. He does not want to burden me. He believes his entire existence is a burden in one way or another. No, I will not be the one that makes him feel this way like so many others. I tangle my fingers around his and squeeze. "I'm fine, let me do this one please," I say as the torches flare in warning at what I now know to be the new arrival.

He nods, squeezing my hand back in response.

I turn my back to him but before I make my way to the rug I take a moment. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and hold it. Then ever so slowly I exhale, releasing every last bit before I step onto the fabric. While the flames flare I clasp my hands in front of me and calm my racing heart. Just as Zephyr did, at the apex of the light I blink, and standing in front of me is a young woman. The room is no longer glowing and it appears to be a normal room.

She is quite young perhaps no older than I am. Her eyes frantically look around the room trying to recognize something from where she just came from. Her entire body shivers as what I can only imagine is fear taking hold of her.

I do as Hades did and remain where I am but I have to do something to help ease her "Hello, my name is Persephone. What is yours?"

Her bright blue eyes lock with mine and after a minute she whispers, "My name?"

"Yes," I reply softly attempting to match her tone.


What has this poor thing been through? Her dress is torn to shreds and her brown hair is matted to her head and face. She appears to have been through something traumatic.

"You are safe here. Please don't be afraid" I say gently. I remain where I am worried about scaring her if I move. I wish to comfort her but restrain myself.

Iris's eyes dart around the room wildly. Whatever she has just been through is fresh and I can feel her fear pulsing off of her "Where am I? I don't remember coming here."

"My dear you are at an impasse before reaching your destination in the afterlife," I say keeping my tone gentle however I try to sound compelling with the information.

"I'm dead?" she asks, the shock clear on her face as she tries to process what she has just been told.


Iris's gasp will be with me for the rest of my days. The anguish released in that intake of breath, I felt in my bones. The gut-wrenching realization of your life being gone without your knowledge, it shatters some piece of the soul.

"No, please. This can't be. I have to get back. My brother and sister won't make it without me." Her eyes continue to maintain the wild quality as she steps closer to me. "Please, my brother was in the lake. He started to sink and flail around. I was so scared when his tiny frame disappeared. I didn't give a second thought about anything I just jumped in to save him." She is lost in the memory her eyes flicking back and forth without focusing on anything thats in front of her.

I remain calm even though my heart is beating against my chest. Unknowingly this girl gave her life for her brother. I turn to Hades, his silver eyes watching. He is ready to jump in the moment I give him a sign but I can do this.

"I'm sorry this happened. I can't take any of the memories away but I wouldn't if I could. Along with this one you have all the precious ones with your siblings, who you were willing to die for. You just weren't aware it would come to be but know your brother is safe because of you. Take that knowledge and move to your final stop in the afterlife. Bask in the fact that he is alive because of you. He will get to grow up, get married, have children of his own, and grow old to eventually meet you here." I take a step closer to her. The frantic look has washed away from her face leaving a stoic expression.

"I lost my breath" Iris whispers looking down at the floor. Her arms tightening around her chest in an attempt to ground herself.

Reaching forward, I place my hand on her arm "I can only imagine what it was like for you but you are safe now. You have nothing to worry for. We will be guarding you from here on out and you have our word nothing but happiness will be after this moment."

Iris lifts her blue eyes meeting my green ones. I can see the indecision in them. I reach out my other hand and try to convey as much comfort and assurance as I can as I say "It's okay. Let us take it from here and start your forever."

The air leaves her as she exhales and one single tear falls down her cheek. She releases her hold on herself and slowly with a trembling hand she lays hers onto mine.

I turn to Hades once more my eyes filling with tears. He comes to stand beside me and Iris begins to shimmer much as Zephyr did before turning into an orb floating in my hand.

Dark Petals (A Hades and Persephone story)Where stories live. Discover now