Chapter Twenty Two - Hades

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With my existence spanning time that is unable to be measured, I can't be sure if I have felt certain emotions at any point in my life. I have watched other beings experience them, but my essence has been void... until recently. I believe this one, in particular, is surprise.

She continues to handle each aspect of this realm with ease. Taking each piece with grace, asking questions when necessary to gain further understanding with that being it. No matter what it is. With every passing day, my intrigue grows, and I wish to only know more about her.

Persephone's appearance struck me initially, but she is more than her beauty. For such a young age, her eyes reflect age and wisdom. I wonder who she had been in her past life. What had she experienced? It would remain a mystery with her unable to remember, there is no way to know. My mind would have to weave its own conclusions where that part of her is concerned.

I wouldn't let her spend another dinner in her room. The thought of her alone within those walls... I don't know. My insides stir with unease. I am not used to feeling concern for another being to this extent.


"Yes sir," he responds without pause stepping from the shadows of the room.

"Make arrangements for dinner in the dining hall" I turn toward him, making eye contact with him as I say, "Please make Persephone aware."

"Very well," Nilus bows before taking a step back into the darkness and disappearing.

It will be good for her to get out of the isolation of her room. She isn't used to the confinement like we are down here. Though she was limited with human interaction, she did have the freedom to wander within Demeter's perimeters and live amongst nature. Unlike here where her boundaries have tightened, and the walls have closed in.

I be damned if I let this place suck the light out of her.  

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