Chapter Forty Five- Persephone

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My babies have grown taller than me. Reaching up I stroke the petals of the sunflower. It's red petals! I'm not sure what caused it to be different from its usual yellow, but I love it. I just attribute it to this place. It wouldn't grow normally when this place is far from ordinary and honestly I love that also.

It has been almost six months since I stepped foot on this stone floor. Experiencing the fear of being somewhere new but it was also where the new destination happened to be. When you hear that you will be going to the Underworld it's not something that brings forth excitement.

Little did I know it would be one of the best things to happen in my life.

My vegetables were thriving along with my flowers. They were just getting to the stage where I could pick them. I planned to help stock the kitchen with as much as I could. I just hoped it would be helpful... I had only met a few of the workers within the kitchen and they didn't seem too thrilled with the interaction. I don't know if it is me personally or if they have never had any interaction with the people that live within the walls. They tend to duck their heads and hurry past me each time.

As I inspect each of the plants I get excited when I see one consumed in little red circles. Clapping my hands I squat down and eye all that has grown. Each one bright in color and ripe nestled on the vine waiting to be picked. I grin as I reach out and pick a hand full and stash them in the pocket of my dress. Cerberus loves them and I will be giving him a treat.

Turning as I leave the room I look back to my beauties "I'll be back to get the rest break you in a little bit."

I grin and hurry down the hall toward where Cerberus sits guard. He hears me before I approach and his tail is already wagging when I turn the corner.

"Hi Cer, I brought you something" I tease him bringing one small tomato from my pocket. All of his eyes zero in on it and his tongue lolls out of his mouth. I smile and hold it up in the air "Do you want it?"

His bark answers my question and I toss it in the air. He catches it with no issues and sits at attention waiting for the next. We repeat the sequence until they are gone. He isn't happy that I only brought so many but I reassure him that there are plenty more. He remains at his post and I give him a scratch as I wander down the corridor. I stop at the top of the set of stairs and look down the long stairway. Below my feet is the room where the souls are greeted. After assisting with the process it has become more of a way of the human life. I think it is an emotional process for some but I respect Hades for caring as he does and helping each one through whatever way they need him at the time. It is endearing how he supports their way to the afterlife.

He is endearing, he just doesn't know it.

A hum draws my attention from the darkness of the stairway. It's almost like a whisper. Furrowing my brow, I cock my head to the side as I listen. I can't make out any words just the murmuring. One step at a time I follow the voice back the way I came. I reach out and touch the wall along the way. My finger drags over the uneven rock as the whispers grow louder.

I have walked these corridors many times since arriving here and not once have I heard this before. Without realizing it I am standing in front of the door that leads to where the souls are kept. Cerberus growls nudging my arm but I don't look at him.

The voice grows louder as I turn the knob and peek inside. The glow from the liquid lights the room. More brilliant than I have seen it. My feet move and slowly close the distance between me and the well. I hear muffled barking in the background but I pay no mind to it as I draw closer to the alluring melody the whisper creates.

"NO!" a commanding voice yells from behind me.

My arm is yanked behind me and I'm spun around. Locked in a vice-like grip I feel as if we are thrown back several feet. Wind whipping my hair causing it to fly around us. Hands grip my shoulders as Hades pulls me away from him. His wide eyes wildly scan over me, his expression none like I have seen before. His silver eyes churn like a storm causing my heart to speed up as fear seeps into me.

Are you okay?" he asks franticly.

When I don't answer he almost growls "Answer me."

I blink a couple of times before I stammer "Yes..."

"What the hell were you thinking?" he asks gritting his teeth. His hands have not left my shoulders continuing to dig into my skin.

"I... what do... you... mean?" I ask my senses on high alert.

This isn't the Hades I know.

This is the King of the Underworld.

"Do you know what could have happened? Do you remember anything from the first visit you had in that room?" Hades says, his words urgent as his gaze penetrates me waiting for my answer.

My mind whirls mingling with my fear creating chaos. I'm can't think straight and his question remains unanswered not helping with calming him. He growls this time no mistaking it. Releasing me he spins and begins pacing the room. It's at that moment I realize where we are. My room.

"How did we get here?" I whisper taking hold of a piece of my hand and twirling it.

"That's what you are worried about? Not that you just about lost your body and soul?" He snaps in response. His back is to me and I can see his labored breathes causing the muscles in his back to contract.

"What?" the word leaves me in disbelief. My fingers still and my hand falls back to my side as his previous instructions come rushing back to me. He is correct in that he told me before not to reach into the liquid but my hands weren't anywhere near it. "I wouldn't touch it," I say my words a little louder this time but not much.

"You about did!" Hades yell and throws his hands up in the air. "When I found you your fingertips were about to graze the surface!" His hands land in his hair tugging it in frustration "If Cerberus hadn't alerted me you would be gone."

The air is sucked out of me as I take in this being in front of me and how much that statement affects him. Relief causes his shoulders to slump and the gratitude of Cerberus is written all over him.

"I don't remember that..." I search my memories to remember what exactly he is telling me but I can't. "I was standing there... that's it."

"Why were you in there?" his voice is calmer now and I look up to find his face.

"A voice led me there. I didn't think it would be dangerous to follow it but I guess I should have been more cautious instead of curious."

"What voice?" Hades asks his face scrunching up as he processes my words.

"I don't know. I was standing in the corridor after playing with Cerberus and I heard this whisper. I was intrigued. I hadn't heard that before and I followed it. I probably shouldn't have considering I don't know all there is to know about this place but I don't know it was so alluring I couldn't stop myself" I explain in rambles dropping my gaze and wringing my hands together.

"The souls spoke to you?" he asks in bewilderment.

He hasn't moved since he stopped pacing on the other side of the room. I start to feel anxious under his confused gaze so I begin rambling again "I don't know if that's what it was. I didn't hear any words... it was more noise. It sounded like whispers without any words. Does that make any sense? No matter how close I got I wasn't able to distinguish any words..."

I didn't have to wait any longer because in a second he is standing in front of me. His large hands reach out and take mine, one in each hand. I feel tears begin to well in my eyes with the overwhelming fact of what almost happened.

"I'm sorry," I say unable to hold them in as one tear falls onto each cheek.

Gently he wipes them away and takes hold of my face. He tilts it up so that I can't hide my sadness or fear from him. Leaning forward he kisses my forehead his lips lingering for a few seconds before he pulls back. His silver pools have calmed from the storm they were earlier, only concern reflects from them now.

"I'm just glad you are okay. An emotion I have not experienced in a long time took hold of me when I saw how close I was to losing you. I do not wish to ever feel terror again."

His words do nothing to cease the tears as they run down my face. I wrap my armsaround his waist burying my face in his chest. I hug him tight. His armsencircle me and he hugs me in return. We stand there and soak in the fact thatwe still have each other and how close we were to losing this.

Dark Petals (A Hades and Persephone story)Where stories live. Discover now