Chapter Eleven - Persephone

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Had I heard her correctly?

Though the conversation started out shared, it soon turned into her speaking and me listening silently. I heard every word, but they had yet to morph into understanding.

"You want me to what?" I ask, my mind slowly processing her words.

Mother steps forward putting her hands on my shoulders "I think you should go with Hades." She maintains eye contact even stooping slightly to be level with me, her touch feels heavy on my skin.

"But..." I still didn't understand where this came from. What started the course that led her to this decision?

"It won't be forever, my dear just for some time. It will be good for you to see other realms and experience different ways of living" she smiles as if that's the only explanation I need.

"Go to the Underworld?" I ask softly.

"Umhm," she says her smile never faltering.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I ask thoughts run through my mind, and I can't stop the flood of questions. Sure, I wanted to leave, but the hurt that fills me with the thought of her not wanting me anymore is indescribable. "Have I don't something wrong? Do you not love me anymore?"

Mother gently pats my shoulder "Hush now. That is all nonsense, and you know it. You must just trust me, dear."

I stare at her, my mouth hanging open as the flood stops replaced by nothing... absolutely nothing. I don't know her reasoning, but I do know she would never send me if it weren't something she felt was necessary. I nod, letting go of all those thoughts.

Taking her hands from me, she turns away her smile still in place "I will inform Hades."

The Underworld... that's where my next adventure would be. Shivers run up and down my body as my mind thinks of all the possible outcomes.


I cannot sleep. I stare at the ceiling as butterflies assault my insides at the thoughts of tomorrow. Mother said she would be contacting Hades first thing in the morning, whether that meant he would come right away I wasn't sure. It was a lot to absorb in such a short time, and I'm not used to change. Having been sheltered my entire life than being told you are being sent away, let alone another realm is a shock. I wanted freedom, still do, but to me, this is not freedom but yet another form of confinement to which I have no say. I have relied on Mother all my life, so I would trust her in this situation.  

Dark Petals (A Hades and Persephone story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon