Chapter Forty Three - Persephone

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I helped a few more souls with Hades present then he agreed I was ready to perform the task within supervision. I don't believe he doubted my capabilities, but it was more that he wanted to make sure I was okay. Each had been different and difficult in their own way, but Iris still stuck with me. I don't think it was because she was the first I helped but more of the terror she felt and her story of helping her brother. I don't have any siblings, but I can only imagine what it must have been like for her. The others I have assisted have been challenging I am not trying to make it seem like those people did not suffer but it wasn't like Iris. I hope she is happy in her afterlife.

I didn't help out all the time with the souls, but I did it as much as I could. I wanted to show Hades that I wasn't just a girl that expected to have things done for her. I wanted to do my part for however long I was to be here.

I cock my arm back to throw a ball down the hallway. I hold it in mid-air for a minute eyeing the large beast who was going to retrieve it. All six eyes are locked on the ball, and he doesn't even blink.

"You ready?" I tease and receive a low growl in response. Chuckling I propel my arm through the motion sending the ball sailing down the corridor. Paws dig in as Cerberus takes off after the ball that bounces off every stone surface. My laughter escapes my lips as he skids around the corner and out of sight.

"Are you having fun torturing him?" Hades chuckles, appearing beside me suddenly.

"I am actually" I grin as he leans down and kisses me on the cheek.

"How has your day been?" he asks his posture relaxing a bit.

"Good, I painted this morning before coming to bother Cerberus. I figure I will stop by the garden on the way back to my room to see what my beauties are up too" I answer stepping closer to him and wrapping my arms around his.

Before he can answer the pounding of muscular legs sounds from the other end of the corridor. Running around the corner Cerberus slides into the wall on the opposite side but it does nothing to slow him down. His eyes brighten when he spots Hades standing beside me and if it is possible, I think he speeds up. Despite his speed, he stops just in time to sit directly in front of us dropping the ball at our feet.

When he looks up his tongue is stuck out and he is panting. His head on the left looks at Hades and the one on the right looks at me while his middle head flips back and forth between us.

"Good boy," I say and scratch behind his ears. His eyes roll back as he savors every second I am willing to give.

His other heads appear to be jealous and look to Hades for some type of admiration. Hades turns to me raising an eyebrow and I nod toward Cerberus. Hades reaches forward and begins scratching each head behind the ear "Good boy?"

Cerberus eats it up relishing in any attention we decide to give. I stop bending down to retrieve the slobbery ball. Raising my arm each head comes to attention waiting with anticipation. I pretend to throw it and hide my hand behind my back. He looks but when he doesn't see the ball hurtling down the corridor, he turns back to me. His low growl vibrates in his chest as he tries to get to my hand behind my back. Laughing I try to get away, but he is too big "Okay. Okay, I will throw it this time. I promise" I get out between the giggles. He stops pouncing toward me and sits back on his hind legs. Each of his eyes bore into me as he waits on alert about losing the little bit of control he has.

I pull my arm back as far as I can and with everything I can muster, I throw the ball down the hall. I don't think it even left my hand before he took off. Feet digging into the floor as he tears after it. The sight of this monstrous beast chasing after a small bouncing ball causes my laughter to burst out. Guardian of the Underworld... chaser of bouncy balls. I bend over clutching my stomach as it begins to cramp. Releasing breath from pursed lips I slowly gain composure of myself little by little. I straighten and wipe the tears from my eyes as I look over toward Hades. His lips are turned up in a smile, like a real smile, not the little ones he is used to giving. The breath whooshes out of me at the sight of him and I just stare. My smile still in place but the laughter is gone leaving me aching from the act.

"Little Flower, You are delightful," he says taking a step closer, reaching down he takes my chin and brings his lips down on mine in a quick kiss.

If I thought I didn't have any breath before I was mistaken. No matter how quick the kiss it took the remaining breath I had with it. I hear the approaching footsteps of the beast but I don't look away from the silver eyes gazing down at me.

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