Chapter Seventeen - Persephone

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The silence of this room is deafening. Through the time since Hades closed the door, sealing me in here, I have heard no noise from the hallway beyond the walls surrounding me. I unpacked the little that I brought with me as I explore the space that will be mine for the time being.

The entire room is much grander than anything I have seen before. How could this be someone's home? It's amazing to think. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I do prefer the cozy feeling of the cottage instead of the coldness here. With one exception, I would take the bathing room back to the cottage with me. A large tin bathing tub sits in the corner, I could sink into it and my entire body would vanish. Compared to the small bathing tub at the cottage to which I have to hug my knees to fit into it. That would be one thing I enjoyed while I am here.

Dinner arrived not too long after I got my things put away. The fact that it just appeared had been a surprise. Literally, when I turned it was there... sitting on the small table in the center of the room. An interesting variety of fruit had been arranged on a silver plate, including a pomegranate. It was the first thing I ate. I couldn't get my hands on it fast enough. I love them, but rarely get to enjoy one. The market in the next town had them only occasionally when we made our trips. Mother knew without asking to bring me as many as she could.

The seeds tartness send my tastebuds into a frenzy. I can't stop the satisfied groan that spills from my throat. Whoever created such a delicious treat knew what they were doing. Before I realize it, the majority of the deep red fruit has vanished, leaving only a small piece of my treasure left amongst the berries and nuts. Bundling it up in the linen napkin, I set it on my bedside table as a snack for later.

Once I finish silence is the only thing that greets me. 

The worst thing is not knowing what time of day it is. Which being underground, I prepared myself for the absence of the sun. And for there to be no windows to look out at the world beyond. Despite my attempts, it's still a little hard to digest. Though the room is beautiful, I do catch myself looking around for just that, a window. Something ingrained deep inside of me is struggling with the adjustment. To want just a glimpse outside, I didn't know would affect me in this manner.

The ache in my chest only grows as the realization hits me, there would be no watching the birds soar from here. Reaching up, I grip the front of my dress as I try to ease the panic rising inside me.  

I try to reassure myself that it is the first night. Of course, it is going to be hard. But it does little to calm the nerves running rampant within me. Sadly, silence is my only solace.  

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