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I wanted to thank each and every one of you that have read Dark Petals. A story that started out as just something fun to help during stressful times turned into something so much more. If it weren't for you guys I don't know if I ever would have finished it let alone having published it on Amazon for many more people to experience. Thank you for all the comments and expressions of love that y'all have sent where these characters are concerned. Each time I received one it just pushed me to write more and more so that I didn't let you down. They were most helpful on the days where I felt like my writing was terrible and didn't deserve to be put out for people to read. But I am so proud that it is complete and that is because of you. I love you guys!

Dark Petals is now available on kindle (free if you have kindle unlimited) and also in paperback. During the editing process several chapters were added including an epilogue. I do hope y'all will check it out! 💜

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