The first attack- ₙₑwₛ ₐᵣₜᵢcₗₑ

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Police has seemed to inform us of some terrible news. Early in the morning of the 08/02/2024 the bodies of two were found in the █████████ alsos. The girl was able to be identified right away to be the 24 year old █████ █████████ , while the boy was very hard to be identified because of the serious diformation of his face. After various examinations it seems to be the body of the 27 year old ██████ ███████. Both bodies were brutally murdered, the girl found impaled on tree branches, died by bleeding out slowly, while the boy was beaten until his final breath. Both were naked but the officers think the killer had nothing to do with it, as the pile was found close by behind some trees. There hasn't been any background to the story as the young couple had no enemies and wasn't part of any strange group. The park has been closed for further investigation even though there are rumors of paranormal activity. Our deepest condolences to the families. We will be informed after further research. 


ᓚᘏᗢ- i tried to find more info about this but seems as if it disappeared from the internet, as if it never happened. 


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