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-story by @oreocake

There we were, Chloe and I, wrapped in the naivety of our teenage rebellion, seeking thrills beyond the mundane edges of our small-town lives. The legend of K, a spectral figure said to haunt the town, became our obsession, a challenge that suffocated us. Fueled by curiosity and disbelief, we set out to summon her.

K's arrival was not marked by spectacle but by a subtle shift in the darkness, a deepening of the shadows that made the night seem alive. She stood before us, her form human yet undeniably otherworldly, beauty and sorrow intertwined in her presence.

Chloe, ever the braver—or perhaps the more foolish—of us two, stepped forward. "Is that all you are?" she mocked, her voice laced with disappointment. "Just a sad, ugly ghost?"

The air thickened, a palpable tension that suffocated our attitude. K's eyes, pools of infinite despair, narrowed. The transformation that followed was not immediate but gradual, a horror that unfolded with excruciating detail.

Before our disbelieving eyes, K's visage changed, her sorrow morphing into rage. Her skin paled to an unnatural hue, stretching taut over her bones, which began to crack and reshape with sickening pops. Her eyes, once brimming with sadness, now glowed with a malevolent light, burning holes into the very fabric of our reality. Shadows writhed around her like serpents, coiling and uncoiling in a grotesque dance. The air was filled with the sound of whispers, voices that promised madness and despair, clawing at the edges of our minds.

Chloe laughed, a sound that broke against the rising tide of terror. "Is this supposed to scare us?" she taunted.

But as K advanced, her form now a nightmare made flesh, Chloe's laughter died in her throat. The entity before us was no longer human, but a manifestation of every fear, every dark thought given form. Her mouth—no, her maw—opened, revealing rows of jagged teeth, and from it emanated a scream that was not just heard but felt, a vibration that threatened to tear us apart from the inside.

I don't know how I remained sane, how my mind managed to shield itself from the horror that unfolded. But Chloe... Chloe was not so fortunate.

As K's scream pierced the night, Chloe's eyes widened in terror, a mirror to the madness that consumed her. She fell to her knees, hands clamped over her ears, her laughter now turned to screams of horror. The last I saw of her, before I turned and fled, was a broken figure, sanity shattered by the terror we had so foolishly invoked.

I never returned to that place, never dared to speak of what happened. Chloe was found the next day, her body a shell, her mind lost to the abyss. They said it was a psychotic break, but I know the truth. We summoned a nightmare...

The aftermath of that night haunts me. Chloe was institutionalized, a once vibrant soul now trapped in the endless loop of her terror. Her eyes, when they met mine during my sole visit, held nothing but the void, a chilling reminder of the cost of our curiosity. I could only whisper apologies that fell on deaf ears, my guilt a heavy shroud that I wear to this day.

The tale of K and our ill-fated summoning spread through town, a cautionary whisper among the thrill-seekers and the skeptics alike. But no one knows the truth as I do. No one carries the burden of that night, the sight of K's transformation, and the sound of Chloe's descent into madness.

I've tried to rebuild my life, to find solace in normalcy, but the shadows linger, always on the periphery of my vision. Sleep brings no respite, for it is there that I relive the horror, K's nightmarish form a specter that haunts my dreams. The whispers in the darkness, the feeling of unseen eyes watching me, remind me that the sickness never ends.

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ᓚᘏᗢ- i hope this is a creepypasta because imagine the fear these girls must have felt. dare i say she deserved it -- the girl that called the Lady ugly-- bacause she kind of did. noone should ever taunt spirits or any otherwordly being, not even other humans. You never know what they're hiding underneath a mask...

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