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ᓚᘏᗢ -by unkown user

On a night shadowed by the embrace of a chill, when the moon hid behind a veil of clouds, I found myself wandering on cobblestone paths. My heart was heavy, laden with the kind of melancholy that seems to seep into your bones, a reflection of the loneliness that had become my constant companion.

As I turned down an alley, more narrow and deserted than the rest, the air grew colder, the kind of cold that feels almost alive, as if it's reaching out to touch the very essence of your soul. That's when I saw her, or rather, felt her presence before my eyes could confirm her existence.

There, in the dim light cast by a lone streetlamp, stood The Lady. Her figure was shrouded in darkness, yet there was an ethereal quality to her, like a figure painted in the deepest shades of night. Her hair flowed around her like a cloak, tendrils of shadow that seemed to move of their own accord. Her face was obscured, hidden from my view, yet I could feel her eyes on me, piercing through the darkness, reaching out to the very core of my being.

With a voice that seemed to echo from the depths of a long-forgotten dream, she whispered, "Am I beautiful?" The words hung in the air between us, a plea for validation, a question loaded with the weight of a thousand rejections.

My heart ached for her, for the pain and loneliness that her question implied. And in that moment, I understood the true horror of her existence, a life spent haunting the shadows, forever searching for the acceptance that had eluded her in life.

"Yes," I found myself replying, my voice barely above a whisper, "Yes, you are beautiful." It was not just her appearance I was affirming, but her existence, her being, the very essence of what made her who she was.

For a brief moment, the air around us seemed to lighten, the oppressive chill giving way to a warmth that felt like the gentle touch of a comforting hand. And then, just as suddenly as she had appeared, The Lady vanished, her presence dissipating into the night, leaving behind a silence that felt both haunting and sacred.

I remained there, in the alley, long after she had gone, pondering the encounter. It was a sighting that would stay with me, a memory etched into my soul, a reminder of the invisible battles fought in the pursuit of acceptance and love.

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ᓚᘏᗢ- hmm i don't know about that one... it is a short sighting simply written with much detail... maybe it is real, and if so then does she ask people the same question? reminds me of the slit mouthed woman!

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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝑔𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 -creepypasta researchOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora