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-by user in reddit

From the moment I heard her whispered name, a chill settled deep within my bones, a prelude to the terror that would soon consume my very existence. The Lady, they called her, an entity shrouded in tales so dark, they seemed to blot out the light of day whenever spoken. I was a non-believer, a skeptic who laughed in the face of the supernatural. How I wish I could return to that blissful ignorance, but some truths, once revealed, are impossible to unsee.

It began innocently enough, a dare amongst friends on a night fueled by the reckless invincibility of youth. We were gathered around the flickering light of a campfire, the darkness of the woods pressing in on us with an almost palpable intensity. "Invoke The Lady," they said, a challenge thrown down with the gauntlet of peer pressure. "Show us you're not afraid."

Fool that I was, I accepted, mocking the very notion that some spectral woman could instill fear in me. "The Lady, The Lady, The Lady," I called into the night, my voice steady but my heart beginning to betray a flicker of unease. 

The words had barely left my lips when the air around us shifted, a coldness seeping into my very marrow. Silence fell, a heavy, oppressive silence that seemed to smother all life in the forest. And then, I saw her.

She emerged from the shadows, a figure so pale she seemed to glow in the moonlight. Her hair, black as the void, flowed around her like a living thing, and her eyes... her eyes were a gray so piercing, so devoid of humanity, that to meet her gaze was to feel your soul being stripped bare.

Panic surged through me, a primal, screaming urge to flee, but I was rooted to the spot, trapped by those merciless eyes. She moved towards me, each step deliberate, relishing the terror that coursed through my veins. I wanted to scream, to beg for mercy, but my voice was a prisoner in my throat, choked off by fear.

When she was but a breath away, she stopped, and the world seemed to hold its breath with her. "You sought me," she whispered, her voice a melody of nightmares, a sound that promised despair and madness. "Now you have found me."

I could do nothing but stare as her hair began to writhe and twist, snakes made of shadow and malice. With a sudden, violent motion, it shot forward, wrapping around me in a cold embrace. I expected pain, expected to be torn asunder, but instead, there was only cold, an abyssal chill that threatened to extinguish the very fire of my soul.

Her face loomed close to mine, close enough that I could see the torment etched into her features, a mirror of the agony she inflicted. "Look upon me," she commanded, and I was powerless to disobey.

What I saw in that moment was not a face, but a void, an absence of all things, a darkness so profound that my mind fractured at its touch. It was the face of oblivion, of all fears made manifest. I felt myself slipping, falling into that endless void, my screams lost in the silence of her embrace.

When I awoke, it was to a world forever changed. The forest was gone, replaced by the sterile white of a hospital room. They told me I was found alone, catatonic, my eyes wide with an unseeing terror. My friends, those who had dared me to call upon The Lady, were nowhere to be found, vanished without a trace.

I alone returned from that night, but what came back was not the same person who had uttered that fateful challenge. I am haunted, forever marked by the touch of The Lady. I see her in my dreams, in the shadows of my room, in every reflective surface, waiting, always waiting.

They say I am mad, but madness is a mercy I have not been granted. For I know the truth, a truth that burns in my mind with the ferocity of a thousand suns. The Lady is real, and she is the embodiment of every fear, every horror, every nightmare that has ever plagued the hearts of humanity.

And she has seen me.


ᓚᘏᗢ- well yet another story of someone stupid enough to invoke her, aplause! sorry for the sarcasm hehe. well now what i believe for this chapter. it actually doesn't sound that fake. he invoked her, so she arrived, simple. she didn't talk much as she is usually silent. she showed him just what he asked to see by calling her. she is harmless in my eyes. and she probably started getting annoyed  by everyone trying to summon her, or worse provoke her...


𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝑔𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 -creepypasta researchWhere stories live. Discover now