the pain she caused

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 ᓚᘏᗢ- by CerealUnaliver

It was the kind of story that starts as a whisper, a rumor that flutters through the hallways of our school. They said The Lady, a figure of local legend, had been seen walking among us, her presence a shadow that chilled the very air. But to us, she was just a myth, a story to tell in the dark to send shivers down your spine. That was until the night we saw her, until the night everything changed.

I'm Alex, and this is our story, mine and my friends', a tale so twisted and dark it's hard to believe it's not just another urban legend. It began on a dare, as these things often do, a challenge whispered under the cover of night to seek out The Lady, to see if the stories were true.

We had no idea that our search would lead us to her, not as a specter or a ghost, but as flesh and blood, a girl with hair as dark as midnight and eyes that seemed to hold a world of sorrow. She introduced herself as K, but there was something about her, an aura of sadness and rage so palpable it made your skin crawl.

One of our group, Jianna, recognized her almost immediately. "That's her," she whispered, her voice tinged with fear. "That's the girl they say..., the one whose boyfriend... you know."

We all knew the story, a sordid tale of love and betrayal that ended in tragedy. Her boyfriend's mistress and him had been found dead, their bodies a grotesque display of vengeance. They said it was The Lady who had done it, driven by a rage so deep it had transformed her into something monstrous.

As we stood there, in the presence of K, the pieces started to fall into place. The air around us grew colder, and the darkness seemed to press in, suffocating. I could feel Jianna trembling beside me, her earlier bravado gone.

K spoke then, her voice a melody, "You know of me, then. You know what I've done." It wasn't a question; it was a statement, a declaration of her pain, of her transformation from a girl wronged into a legend feared.

Jianna couldn't hold back, "I knew her, the girl... your boyfriend's mistress. She was my friend." Her voice broke, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you, but she didn't deserve what you did to her."

The atmosphere shifted then, charged with an energy so dark it was almost tangible. K's eyes flashed, a storm of emotions swirling within their depths. "Deserve?" she spat the word out like venom. "She stole from me, she and he both. They carved out my heart, left me to bleed. What I did, I did for vengeance."

We stood, frozen, caught in the eye of her storm, her pain and rage enveloping us. I could see it then, the transformation, not physical, but something deeper, a descent into madness fueled by grief and betrayal.

The night air was filled with whispers, not from us, but from her. They swirled around us, a litany of sorrow, a testament to her pain. "I am The Lady," she declared, her voice rising, "cursed, a reminder of the darkness that love can breed."

We fled then, our hearts pounding, the story of The Lady no longer just a tale to tell in the dark. We had seen her, spoken to her, felt the depth of her despair and rage. Jianna was inconsolable, the guilt of her connection to the story a weight too heavy to bear. The Lady was a mirror reflecting the darkest corners of the human heart, a living testament to the pain that can warp and consume us.

In the days that followed, our group was shadowed by an unspoken dread, a sense that we had stirred something that should have been left undisturbed. Jianna, especially, was a shadow of herself, haunted by the memory of her friend and the visceral encounter with K. She withdrew from us, lost in a maze of guilt and fear, her every moment tainted by the specter of The Lady.

The encounter had revealed a truth we were ill-prepared to face: that monsters are not born from shadow, but from the very real, very human capacity for cruelty and betrayal. K, The Lady, was the embodiment of that truth, a soul twisted by the darkest emotions to become something otherworldly.

Nights became an exercise in terror. Every shadow seemed to move, every whisper of the wind sounded like her voice, calling out from the darkness. The legend of The Lady had woven itself into the fabric of our reality, a constant, oppressive presence that seemed to mock our attempts to return to normalcy.

It was during one of those endless nights, as I lay awake, grappling with the fear and fascination that K had inspired in me, that I made a decision. I couldn't leave Jianna alone; I couldn't let the story of The Lady end in whispers of fear and tragedy. There had to be more, a way to understand, to maybe find a semblance of peace for both K and my friend.

With a determination that surprised even me, I reached out to Jianna. It took time, but eventually, she agreed to meet. We sat in the very same room where our journey had begun, the moon once again our only witness.

"I can't stop thinking about her," Jianna confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "About what she's become, what we've seen. I feel like I'm trapped in this nightmare, and I don't know how to wake up."

I nodded, feeling the weight of her words. "I feel it too," I admitted. "But I keep thinking about what she said, about how she's cursed. Maybe... Maybe there's something we can do, some way we can help her find peace again."

Jianna looked at me, hope mingling with the despair in her eyes. "Do you really think that's possible?"

"I don't know," I said honestly. "But I think we owe it to her, to your friend, and to ourselves to try."

We delved into the history of The Lady, seeking to understand the roots of her pain, her transformation from a wronged lover into a figure of terror. We talked to those who had known her, who had known them, piecing together the shattered fragments of her story.

There were those who warned us to leave well enough alone, that some doors, once opened, could never be closed.

In time, we came to see K not as The Lady, not as a monster, but as a victim, as someone who had suffered unimaginable pain and responded in the only way she knew how. Our fear of her transformed into empathy, a deep, aching sorrow for the girl who had lost everything, for the soul who had been twisted beyond recognition by betrayal and vengeance.


ᓚᘏᗢ - well this sounds like how paranormal investigators are made, i don't know if i should believe it or not, i know there must be more to her past than simply a broken heart...


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