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ᓚᘏᗢ- Herein lies a synthesis of the prevailing theories regarding the biological (and perhaps otherworldly) mechanisms behind the peculiar phenomena observed in The Lady's hair.

She was seen using her hair to lift herself up and walk around, and thus they would need to be stiff in order to support her weight right?

*And exoskeleton would  seem ideal, but alas, is unlikely as it would be far too heavy.

*An endoskeleton unless the bone structure is spine-like. This would mean her hair are snake like, rather than seeming like actual hair at all.

Now the next is my theory, even though it's not so biological, more psychological.

Psychokinetic Manifestation- This theory merges the realms of parapsychology, suggesting that The Lady's hair is a physical manifestation of her psychokinetic abilities. Each strand is imbued with a fragment of her consciousness, allowing her to control them as effortlessly as her own thoughts. This theory posits that extreme emotional or psychological trauma may have awakened latent psychokinetic powers, with her hair acting as the medium through which these powers are expressed.


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