☽ Αpparition ☾

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{ definitions. }

"Apparition:"a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, especially aghost.

"Ghost:"the spirit of a dead person, which is believed to appear orbecome manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image.

"Demon:"an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess aperson or act as a tormentor in hell."


{ nature by design. }

*As ghosts are lingering spirits of the deceased, the general personality and nature of them may vary—just as living beings do. They may be personable and outgoing, or introspective and reserved. Kind or malevolent. Disruptive or respectful.

*Demons are not depicted as souls or spirits of the dead. Rather, they're associated with destructive forces and an allegiance to universal evil. Their intentions are aligned with chaos and manipulation.

{ signals. } 

At the start of a haunting, ghosts make their presence known through a multitude of methods.

The initial indicators of a haunting may include:

-Unexplained noises—footsteps, knocks, bangs, scratches

-Doors, cabinets, drawers, and cupboards opening/closing

-Lights flickering

-Items disappearing and/or reappearing

-Unusual behavior from pets—barking, cowering, hissing, staring blankly, following or otherwise interacting with imperceptible objects

-Feeling watched

If a ghost is particularly desperate or distressed, the initial indicators may persist, along with the addition of new advancements as well. These may include:

-Feelings of being touched

-Disembodied cries or whispers

-Inexplicable cold/hot spots indoors

-Unfamiliar or unexplained scents or fragrances

-Moving and/or levitating objects

If a malevolent spirit or demon is present, extremes in activity may occur in conjunction with—or in place of—the aforementioned manifestations. These may include:

-Recurrent nightmares following a weekly or nightly pattern

-Feeling held down, and subsequently discovering bruises or scratches with otherwise unknown cause—a phenomenon known as phantom mania

-Increasing tension between friends and family members Experiencing sudden discomfort or dread

-Religious objects becoming destroyed or mysteriously disappearing

-Physical assault


{ apparitions. }

-Are seldom ever sighted

-May appear as human-shaped or indistinguishable mists, transparent figures, or full forms indecipherable from a physical being

{ deceptions. }

-Spirits or demons who appear as apparitions may selectively choose their appearance depending on the interests or beliefs of persons of interest.

-Apparitions with negative intentions may appear as deceased family members or religious figures to gain trust of their victims and manipulate them for their own benefit.

-Mischievous or sadistic apparitions may appear as monstrous or disturbing creatures to induce fear or discomfort in others for the sake of personal entertainment.

{ fact or fiction? } 

As with most supernatural elements and myths, the existence of spiritual entities is often questioned. While there is no indisputable proof they exist, there are at least pieces of evidence which could imply as much.

The Law of Conservation of Energy states energy cannot be created or destroyed. This begs the question: when a person dies, where does the spiritual energy inside of the body go? It cannot decay into the environment, as this in turn breaks The Law of Conservation of Energy. Instead, the energy may be converted to manifest the human soul, which would continue to linger among the earth.

Electromagnetic field (EMF) theory is centralized around this concept. The EMF method locates and exposes levels of energy higher than the average amount of energy radiating from human beings. Spirits are believed to collect further energy from the environment and incorporate it into their own energy force, which results in the high levels of energy found in EMF research.

Electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) occurs when spirits evidently project themselves during audio recordings. It's theorized ghosts are willing to communicate with living beings, but their vocal frequencies can't be perceived by human senses. Instead, spirits may interfere with electronics, using white noise as a barrier or filter to communicate. This is the most reported method of collection of paranormal evidence.

{ correlation. }

Many of the Lady's sighting were typically abrupt and brief, not too dissimilar to ghost apparition sightings (there is no proof that all the sightings i have found are real, i actually don't believe in most of them.)

Since spirits are perceptible beings, they can likely sense or pick up on fears of the people they're haunting through inference and context clues. If they observe the individual and recognize they startle easily at specific audio cues or visual stimuli, they may attempt to replicate those sources.


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