how it happened₋by ₜₕₑ ₗₐdy ₕₑᵣₛₑₗf.

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ᓚᘏᗢ - by The Lady herself.

In the heart of a sleepy town, I lived a life that could only be described as comfortably mundane. There, I shared moments and whispered promises with my bf, the first boy who had been by my side.

My name is K, i am The Lady, with hair that cascade down my back like a waterfall of night, restraining something more than mere strands.

Our relationship had settled into the rhythm of familiarity. But there was a part of him, a foolish, wandering part, that craved the unknown. And he found himself entangled with another, a spark of newness in his otherwise predictable and misserable life. It was during one of those stolen nights with her that my life changed. The moon was casting an eerie glow in the alsos. The mist hung low, tendrils of fog curling around the trees like ghostly fingers. It was supposed to be a simple walk, a ritual of solitude I often indulged in to clear my mind.

But in that moment, under the cloak of night and the watchful eyes of the trees, I, K, became The Lady. The transformation was not just of the body but of the soul...

The forest had always been the one place where the whispers of nature spoke to me in comforting tones. But that night, the whispers turned to murmurs, and then to a noise that didn't belong. Curiosity led me off my familiar path towards the sound, expecting a wounded animal or a lost child.

What I saw shattered the stillness of my world; my boyfriend, with a girl, their bodies entwined in the dirt, lost in an act of betrayal. I felt disgust filling my guts, tears carved wet trails down my cheeks, yet I was rooted to the spot, a silent witness to my own heartbreak.

He was lost in the rebellion of his affair when the air turned cold abruptly.

Then came the voice, an insidious whisper that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. It spoke of betrayal, of love unrequited. Revenge, it promised, was within my grasp. As I moved closer, a step on a branch betrayed my presence.

My boyfriend's reaction was a cruel cut, his words a blade that slashed through any remnant of affection I had for him, he called me ugly... His taunts, the girl's laughter, their tender kiss, they were the catalyst for a transformation I didn't know I was capable of.

I stood there, no rage in myeyes, no tears, just an unsettling calm that seemed out of place in the chaos of betrayal. My hair around me like a living entity, each strand moving with purpose and intent. Before they could speak, before he could even begin to muster an apology or a plea, my hair lashed out.

It lifted me, empowered me, and responded to the dark desire for vengeance that consumed my heart. It was swift, too swift for them to scream. The dark strands wrapped around the girl, their touch cold and unyielding. I wanted the life to be squeezed out of her.

I could hear the faintest whispers echoing from the my hair, like the voices of countless souls ensnared.

The girl's screams pierced the night as my hair wrapped around her, a macabre puppeteer manipulating its unwilling marionette. With a strength I didn't know I possessed, I watched as she was lifted and impaled upon the forest's sharp branches, her voice turned into desperate pleas. I did it slowly, wanting to see her eyes slowly fade, i left her there to bleed out, her body a sight of art. The pain was probably immense, but even as it engulfed her, she couldn't tear her eyes away from me.

My expression had changed to one of sorrow. There was no monster in my eyes, only the reflection of their own monstrous deeds.

My boyfriend's attempt to escape was futile. He tried to run, fear filling his soul. My hair, my curse, caught him with ease. It thrashed him against the soil again and again and again.

As the darkness encroached on the edges of his vision, i wanted him to realize that his K —was something eldritch, something terrifying, that he had been a fool to think he could betray me.

My hair, a weapon of my rage, would be the last thing he ever felt...

His last breath had to be a silent apology. The world faded, and he was no more, a death left to be whispered on the lips of the wind, told by the shaking voices of the people who heard of my legend.

The Lady, as I have become known, is a figure shrouded in mystery and fear. My existence is a testament to the dark potential that resides in the heart of betrayal. My actions, though born of pain, had transcended into something egoistical.

Sightings of a short, pale girl with a cascade of black hair became the words of local myth, a story told in hushed tones around the flickering light of candles. Some said my eyes held a sorrow too profound for words, while others spoke of the madness that lurked within their depths.

And so, the legend of The Lady continues to exist, a spectral reminder of the thin line between love and hate, sanity and madness, light and darkness. My story, a tale as old as time, serves as a haunting reminder of the complexities of the human heart, and the eternal dance between the light we seek and the shadows we cast...


ᓚᘏᗢ- this is it? it can't be it. there must be more to her story. maybe She simply wanted people to stop bothering Her with fake sightings and lies... i know She's hiding the truth from us, but why? who is she protecting?

edit 19/05/2024: after the last information i found, it seems that this chapter was all a lie! maybe not entirely, but again, seems like She wanted us to believe this! maybe he did betray her or maybe he didn't love her back? he is still alive as i've read, so why would she want us to believe she killed him? also i have found many people talking about her abillity to form hallucinations, maybe the corpses where not there to begin with! so is she innocent?! 


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