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ᓚᘏᗢ- Living in harmony with The Lady, whether through a fleeting encounter or as a neighbor, requires a balance of respect, caution, and empathy. Her volatile nature and mysterious past make understanding her challenging, but adherence to these rules can ensure a safer coexistence.

Rules For Someone Who Encounters The Lady:

✮⋆˙¹ Do Not Stare: If you happen to see her, avoid making prolonged eye contact. Staring at her for too long can lead to madness.

✮⋆˙² Never Call Her Ugly: She is sensitive about her appearance. Insulting her looks can trigger a terrifying reaction.

✮⋆˙³ Avoid Mentioning Her Past: If by some means you learn about her history, keep it to yourself. Bringing up her past will enrage her.

✮⋆˙⁴ Stay Calm: If you encounter her, maintain a calm demeanor. Panic or fear can attract her attention or worsen the situation.

✮⋆˙ ⁵ Do Not Pursue: If she retreats into the shadows or disappears, do not follow. Let her leave on her own terms.

✮⋆˙ ⁶ Speak Softly: If you must speak to her, do so with a soft and soothing tone. Aggressive or loud voices can provoke her.

✮⋆˙⁷ Offer Compliments Cautiously: While she dislikes being called ugly, insincere or overly enthusiastic compliments can also trigger her suspicion or wrath.

✮⋆˙ Do Not Photograph Her: Attempting to capture her image can provoke her anger. She exists outside the desire for recognition.

✮⋆˙⁹ Ignore Her Whispers: If you hear her whispering, do not try to listen or decipher what she's saying. Her words can lead to obsession or worse.

✮⋆˙¹⁰Avoid Physical Contact: Do not attempt to touch her, even if she appears to be in distress. Physical contact can be seen as a violation of her space.

✮⋆˙¹¹Do Not Attempt to Follow Her Home: If you learn of her residence, resist the urge to visit or investigate. She sees her home as her sanctuary.

✮⋆˙ ¹² Never Laugh at Her: She may not understand sarcasm or jest. Laughing at her or making jokes can be misinterpreted as mockery.

✮⋆˙ ¹³ Do Not Try to Exorcise Her: She is not a spirit to be banished. Attempts to "cleanse" her presence can lead to dire consequences.

Rules For Someone Living in the Same Apartment Building as The Lady:

✮⋆˙¹ Respect Her Privacy: Do not attempt to enter her apartment or pry into her personal affairs. She values her solitude and privacy above all.

✮⋆˙² Listen for Her Signs: Pay attention to the subtle signs she might give if she desires solitude or if her mood is particularly volatile—like changes in the ambient noise or temperature around her apartment door.

✮⋆˙³ Keep Noise to a Minimum: Excessive noise can agitate her. Be mindful of your volume, especially during late hours.

✮⋆˙⁴ Offer Kind Gestures Sparingly: Small acts of kindness are appreciated, but do not overdo it. She might see it as pity or an intrusion.

✮⋆˙ ⁵ Avoid Discussing Her with Others: Gossip or speculation can create a negative environment and may reach her ears, leading to unforeseen consequences.

✮⋆˙ ⁶ If She Seeks You Out, Be Polite but Detached: If she initiates contact, respond politely but do not encourage a deep connection unless she seems to desire one.

✮⋆˙⁷ Emergency Plan: Have a subtle, non-confrontational plan for seeking help if you feel threatened by her presence or actions. This could mean having a trusted friend or a discreet way to leave the building if necessary.

✮⋆˙⁸ Respect Her Time of Solitude: There may be periods where she withdraws completely. During these times, do not knock on her door or attempt to draw her out.

✮⋆˙⁹ Subtle Gifts Are Acceptable: Small, thoughtful gifts left at her door are okay, such as flowers or books, but do not expect gratitude or acknowledgment.

✮⋆˙¹⁰Inform Her of Guests: If you plan to have guests, especially if they are staying overnight, try to inform her in advance. This courtesy helps her prepare for the increased noise and presence of strangers.

✮⋆˙¹¹ Report Suspicious Activity Discreetly: If you notice anything unusual or concerning about her behavior, report it to the building management discreetly. Avoid confronting her directly.


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