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ᓚᘏᗢ- You know me. If i don't mention Him, be sure i am sick. The obsession never leaves. So i noticed similarities between the two beings and i thought i should include them.

The Lady, a figure of haunting contradictions, has also become focus of my obsession. She is an enigma, a being of terror and beauty that defied comprehension. 

My research as you see unfolds in pages filled with sightings, encounters, and theories, each driving me deeper into the abyss.

{ connection between The Lady and the Slenderman}

⋆.˚Both entities, it seems, prey on the vulnerable, also seem to have a preference for young adults and teenagers.

⋆.˚Their appearances strike terror into the hearts of those who encounter them.

⋆.˚The Slenderman with His elongated limbs and tentacles appearing ou of his back, also known to help him walk , and The Lady, with her inhumanly growing hair doing the same.

⋆.˚ The Slenderman's abillity to mimic your loved ones and Her scream that could unravel the mind.

⋆.˚His featureless face and Her second form, which noone seems to be able to describe.

⋆.˚The slendersickness, and the insanity that devours those who contact the Lady.


Witnesses describe The Lady as a pale, ethereal figure, her features often obscured or morphing, driving some to madness with her terrifying visage, while others find her hauntingly beautiful. The Slenderman, with His lack of facial features, presents an equally confounding figure, its form a blank canvas upon which observers project their deepest fears. This ambiguity in appearance underscores a shared ability to reflect the observer's psyche, manifesting not just physically but tapping into psychological terror.

{Methodology and Abilities}

The modus operandi of The Lady and the Slenderman reveals further parallels. The Lady, with her inhumanly long hair and a scream that echoes the deepest caverns of despair, and the Slenderman, capable of teleportation and instilling insidious paranoia. Their abilities to manipulate perception, drive individuals to insanity, and their seemingly selective visibility, highlight a shared ability designed to isolate, terrorize, and ultimately ensnare their prey.


Both Slendersickness and The Lady's malaise share a foundation in psychological trauma. The symptoms, while varied, underscore a profound impact on the victim's mental health, suggesting that these entities attack the psyche as much as, if not more than, the body. However, there are nuances worth noting. Slendersickness often develops over time, hinting at a slow poisoning of the mind, while The Lady's effects are almost instantaneous, suggesting a more aggressive or potent form of attack.


My theory, which formed the basis of my thesis: The Lady and the Slenderman were not separate entities but manifestations of a single, ancient fear, adapting over centuries to haunt the edges of human consciousness. 

I proposed that, as we all know, Slenderman being a tulpa, could give a possibility that The Lady is a being similar, both thoughtforms brought into existence by the collective belief, feeding on the fear they inspired.

The deeper I delved into the connection, the more I realized that The Lady and the Slenderman were mirrors reflecting the darkest aspects of the human psyche. They were not just monsters lurking in the shadows; they were embodiments of our deepest fears.

ᓚᘏᗢ- I will probably mention the Slenderman again, even in this book. Do you guys have any other things worth mentioning or researching? 

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