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ᓚᘏᗢ-I found more information. Her boyfriend and mistress are alive and well. As much as you can call insanity "well". After what they saw, after what happened to them, they went into hidding. I still try to understand how. Their corpses were found, they were recognized. Perhaps The Lady found a way to bring them back. A way to erase her guilt. 

There is now a more logical explanation to the letter that was sent. Perhaps he wanted people to believe he was still deceased. 


In the depths of her despair, K discovered a way, words imbued with the power of forgotten magics. It was a sliver of hope, a chance to right the wrongs that had shattered her world.    

Driven by a love that refused to die and a desire for closure, K set about preparing the ritual that would breach the veil between the living and the dead. She gathered a symbol of life, death, and rebirth: a lock of her own hair, representing her curse, the object that brought their demise.

I imagine the sight of him standing before her, his form solid yet bearing the marks of his passage through death. Beside him the mistress, her eyes wide with fear and wonder. They were alive, truly alive, their souls returned to their bodies, yet they were not as they once were. 

The Lady had sought redemption and closure, but in her quest, she had uncovered a truth that many who dabble in the arcane learn too late: some things, once done, cannot be undone, and the price of defying the natural order is often more than one is prepared to pay.

ᓚᘏᗢ- These are simply my thoughts on what happened.


𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝑔𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 -creepypasta researchWhere stories live. Discover now