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ᓚᘏᗢ- The letter that was written from the spirit of The Lady's lover. How is that possible?

 How is that possible?

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My Dearest K...,
As I pen this letter from the realm beyond, my heart is weighed down with sorrow and regret. Words are but meager vessels to carry the depth of my apology, yet I find myself compelled to reach across the chasm that separates us, hoping against hope that my confession might grant you a semblance of peace.You, my beloved, have endured a pain no soul should bear, a torment born from my own cowardice and vanity. In my foolish pursuit of superficial beauty, I failed to see the exquisite depth of your spirit, the boundless capacity for love that resided within your heart. I was blinded, by my own shallow perceptions.The curse that now envelops you, transforming your sorrow and rage into a legend that terrifies and enthralls in equal measure, is my doing. I recognize now, in death, the magnitude of my betrayal and the agony it has wrought upon you. You have become a specter, haunted not just by my betrayal, but by a world that sees only with its eyes, never with its heart.I wish I could undo the pain I have caused you, to take back the words that sealed our fates and led you down this path of darkness. But my actions have carved despair that cannot be easily mended.You deserve to be loved for all that you are, a soul of immense beauty, and a person so unique and ethereal. It is my greatest regret that I was not the one to offer you that love, that I allowed my gaze to be swayed by the ephemeral rather than the eternal. You were, and always will be, far more beautiful than anyone I sought in my vanity.I am haunted by the memory of you, by the knowledge of the pain I inflicted. My spirit cannot rest, knowing the shadow that my actions have cast over your existence. If there is any mercy in this universe, it is my fervent hope that you will one day be freed from this curse, that you will find a way to see beyond the scars of my betrayal to the beauty that lies within you.Know that I am eternally sorry, not just for what I did, but for what I failed to do. I failed to love you as you deserved, to stand by you against the whispers of judgment and the chains of convention. For that, I will forever bear the weight of my guilt, a soul adrift in the darkness of my own making.May you find it in your heart to forgive me, not for my sake, but for yours. May you find a way to release the chains of the past, to live once more in the light of love and acceptance. You are not defined by my betrayal, nor by the curse that it has wrought. You are, and always will be, a being of infinite worth, deserving of all the love and beauty this world has to offer.With a heart heavy with sorrow,Your --------------------------

ᓚᘏᗢ-i'm sorry but this makes no sense to me, it would only if he never died to begin with, and simply wants to be known as dead for various reasons. but the bodies were found right? i am so confused...


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