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Her methods, far removed from those of mortals, are imbued with the essence of her cursed existence. Here is a list (quite longer than i first intended) of her twised methods:

⋆.˚Manifestation of Deepest Fears: The Lady can discern the deepest fears harbored within the souls of those she encounters. With this knowledge, she crafts illusions that bring these fears to life, not just as phantoms of the mind, but as visceral, palpable experiences. Her victims find themselves facing their darkest nightmares, making them pliable to her influence as they seek to escape the torment she conjures.

⋆.˚The Whisper of Doubt: She does not need to raise her voice to be heard; her whispers echo in the minds of her targets, sowing seeds of doubt about their beliefs, their perceptions, and the intentions of those around them. This insidious form of manipulation fractures relationships and isolates the individual, making them more susceptible to her influence as she positions herself as the only beacon of truth in a suddenly deceptive world.

⋆.˚Cultivation of Dependency: Much like the mortal manipulator, she cultivates a sense of dependency, but her methods are far more ethereal. She becomes the whisper in the night that soothes the soul, the shadow that protects from unseen enemies, making her presence an addiction, a necessary poison that her victims cannot seem to relinquish, even as it consumes them from the inside out.

⋆.˚The Labyrinth of Lies: Reality becomes a malleable concept in Her hands. She weaves a complex web of lies and half-truths around her victims, a labyrinth from which there is no escape. Each lie is designed to lead further away from the truth.

⋆.˚Psychic Bonds of Control: Beyond the mere psychological, She employs psychic bonds that tether her victims to her will. These bonds are chains of energy that wrap around the soul, invisible and insidious, allowing her to exert her will over her victims from afar, manipulating their emotions and actions with the ease of a puppeteer controlling marionettes.

⋆.˚Echoes of the Past: The Lady dredges up long-buried memories, amplifying the emotions tied to them—be they regret, sorrow, or unresolved anger. This resurrection of the past serves to disorient her victims, making them more susceptible to her influence as they grapple with resurfacing pain.

⋆.˚Distortion of Perception: She alters her victims' perception of the world around them. Familiar places seem suddenly ominous, and trusted faces might appear malicious or estranged. 

⋆.˚Selective Amnesia: She can cause selective amnesia, strategically erasing memories that were important. By removing these key pieces, she weakens their will and identity, also making them forget they even saw Her or that they got hurt by Her. She makes it seem as if nothing had happened.

⋆.˚Mimicry of Loved Ones: i heard once that She can imitate the voices or appearances of her victims' loved ones, luring them in or manipulating their emotions. This tactic not only isolates the victim but also instills a deep mistrust and paranoia, as they can no longer discern friend from foe.

⋆.˚Ominous Omens: The Lady might employ a unique, unsettling signal that is peculiar to each victim—perhaps a haunting melody or a whispered word that only they can discern. This signal, once heard, marks the beginning of her manipulation, a sign that she has chosen them and that there is no escape from her grasp.

⋆.˚Doppelgänger Delusions: She also seems to create illusions of herself or others, leading victims to question the reality of their interactions and the authenticity of those they encounter. This uncertainty undermines trust and reality, leaving her victims in a state of paranoia.

⋆.˚Emotional Amplification: She heightens emotions to extreme levels. Love turns into obsession, fear into paranoia, and sadness into despair. By amplifying these emotions, She can push her victims to act irrationally, driven by the exaggerated feelings she has invoked.

⋆.˚Loop of Guilt and Shame: She traps her victims in a cycle of guilt and shame, using their darkest secrets or perceived failures against them. By constantly reminding them of these faults, she creates a feedback loop that diminishes self-worth

ᓚᘏᗢ- The Lady's manipulations are a testament to her cursed nature, a blend of supernatural prowess and the depth of human despair. Also the symptoms of her manipulation get worse depending on how you treated Her. If you want to stay safe, treat Her the best you can or simply leave.Her.alone! 

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