1 You dumbass

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Hi loves!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to read my work.

This is my first story on Wattpad or anywhere else for that matter and it's probably far from perfect, but I love my characters and I hope you will fall in love with them too.

To be honest, English isn't my first language. I will try to edit but there will be errors that have slipped through.

Feel free to leave comments and correct me so I can become a better writer, but don't be rude.

If you like the story, don't hesitate to follow and vote.

I put a lot of effort and time into it and any similarities to other stories or movies are pure coincidence.

There will be a lot of swearing and some mature content as well.
I will warn you before you read the chapter.

So last but not least.
I hope you will love this book as much as I have enjoyed writing Nova's story. I put my whole heart into it so please don't be a quiet reader and support me by voting.


Matthew Hartley

I take a sip of the whiskey that my friend Chriss ordered for me and try to suppress a cough.

He knows I don't drink and he seems to be pretty proud of himself, smirking at my reaction.

"Idiot." I scoff at him.

My eyes wander over the dance floor beneath us. Couples swirling against each other, girls shaking their booty and men ogling them.

I drink the rest of it in one gulp. Dizziness assailes me and I throw out a hand to steady myself.

My glass hasn't touched the table before our usual waitress Kimberley asks me if I want another. I study her face and can't help but wonder if she is okay, I've never seen her so pale.

She trembles on her legs when she walks away. Not sure if it's due to her health or the height of the stiletto heels that seem to grow higher every time we come here.

My eyes wander over the balcony next to us. A waitress with black hair is standing close to one of the men. Too close.

She's not ashamed of flirting while working. I watch the scene with a smirk, knowing she will be in trouble if her boss Cary finds out.

My breath lodges in my throat when a second waitress appears. The sight of her dries my mouth like the Saharan desert.

Her elegance on her stilettos sways her hips and long hair with each step she takes. She twists to place the drinks on the table, gracing me with her back.

I almost feel like a pervert watching her like this. I follow the lines of her body and oh my God, that ass...

"She's way out of your league, man."

"What?" I ask, forcing myself to turn to Chriss.

"She's way out of your league, even if she is a waitress," he says again.

"What does it matter that she is a waitress, Chriss?" I ask, keeping my voice low even as a growl rumbles up my throat.

He opens his mouth to answer but the sound of throwing up, followed by a high shriek interrupts him. We both shift our gaze and see our mutual friend Mia covered in vomit and our waitress Kimberley seems to be the guilty one.

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