24 The Devil Himself

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I press Nova's contact and tap my fingers nervously against the top of my knee, waiting for her to answer.

I have been postponing this call. She will be disappointed and the feeling is mutual. We haven't had contact after I brought her to the airport. She left me speechless telling me she loves me. I think it surprised her too.

I waited for her to call or text, thinking she needed some time to collect her thoughts and I didn't want to call her right away, knowing that would rub her the wrong way if she indeed felt confused about her confession.

And now I have to tell her that I won't come back to LA today because I got offered to discuss a new movie the day after she left. My agent called, asking me to stay longer because the writer has me in mind to play one of the leading roles.

I'm not sure I will accept it even if it's a great script. I have to stay in Lapland for months. The flight alone will take at least eighteen hours and that is the direct one. Visiting over the weekends is impossible and with her work, getting large assignments, it may be hard to get a week off when I have free time.

Honestly, I'm afraid that our relationship will not survive if I accept this. I don't need the money but reject a great opportunity isn't in my blood either.

Love ain't simple. In all the women I have met in my life, I fell in love with the most complicated and stubborn person ever. One who can't care less about fame and wealth.

She was a refreshing wind, feeling attracted to her by only one look. The vulnerability when I looked into her eyes made me want to take care of her in a heartbeat.

She didn't even know who you were.

Rubbing my hand over my stubbles, I grin at the thought.

Yep, she put you on a real test to find her and when you did, she didn't give it easy to you. That is what you like about her too, admit it.

That black panther hiding behind her green eyes. Watching every move, large or small, mental or physical. Attacking your smallest mistakes.

It's challenging, unpredictable, and can lead to amazing animalistic angry sex.

Her luscious lips come to mind. Sucking and biting the sensitive skin under my ear. If I close my eyes it's almost as if she is with me.

I feel myself harden against my sweatpants.

Don't think about that! Great way to give yourself blue balls.

The tone goes into voicemail. I check my watch and count. It should be lunchtime for her. There is no reason for her not to answer her phone.

She can't already know, can she? Hello, paranoia!

Pressing the repeat button, I try again.

Pick up, pick up, pick up the phone.

When I think it will go into voicemail again, her voice comes through. It's soft like she needs to whisper.

"Hi?" she answers like she didn't even look at the I.D.

Hi, that's all I get. Not babe, sweetheart, handsome? Just hi?

Nonetheless, of the way she answered, hearing her voice spreads a feeling of joy through my body. It has been a long time since I missed someone like I do with her. "Hey gorgeous, how are you?" I ask, still optimistic.

"Why are you calling me, Matt? We will see each other tonight."

"Yeah..." I hesitate, "About that."

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