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"What did you say!" I turn around and make my way back in Dallas's direction.

Dallas does the same, taking big strides towards me with clenched fists. "You're not deaf, are you. Is it that hard to keep your dick out your ex-fiancé, for maybe just one second?"

The security guards try to step in, but Jaimy reassures them and they let him walk to me.

"Goddammit Dallas, I didn't touch her in years!"

He lets out a snort and shoves me against the shoulders. "I'll say it again. Don't ever come near her again or you will regret it. "

I shove him back "You don't get to tell me if I can see my girlfriend or not, Dallas!"

The hate radiates from his face. The muscles in his jaw are clenched and I hear his knuckles crack. "Come on, hit me!" I challenge him. "You know you want to. You've been dying to since the day I started seeing her."

"Guys!" Hannah's high piercing voice makes our heads snap to her. "Stop it! I can't take this. Both of you, out. I mean it. Out! "

"But Hannah... " Dallas tries, but he has no chance.

"Matt, Jaimy will call you if there is anything you need to know. And Dallas, I will do the same with you. Now leave, before I kick both your butts!"

Dallas throws his hands in the air and leaves. We watch him, swearing and slamming into the hinged doors.

"Hannah, you have to believe me. I don't know what Nova believes happened, but I.."

She holds her hand up. "Matt, save your breath, I don't want to listen to you. All that matters now is that Nova is lying in a hospital bed. Wounded and hurting in more ways than necessary, because of the crap you and your ex are causing. I had enough of it! The two of you need to get your shit together. Or not, I can't care less, but leave Nova out of it! She has a hard enough life as it is. If you really love her as you say you do, you will give her the rest she needs." She gives me a last angry look and walks through the door, leaving me with Jaimy.

Rubbing his face, he lets out a heavy sigh. "Sorry, I have to take Hannah's side on this. "He pats me on the shoulder, leaving his hand there " I'm not saying I don't believe you, but she is right. You and your ex are, well it's a mess. Right now you don't stand a chance with Nova, not even to explain yourself about what happened tonight. I don't think Nova will be able to deal with it if that test turns out to be positive. I suggest you go home and pray."


My heart is beating so fast I can hear it in my ears. Nova's bruised face and wounded leg keep appearing on my retina. Jaimy is right, I caused it and if I'm not able to make amends, it will be the last image I have of her, for the rest of my life. Fuck! I'm not a single hair better than Dean.

I park my car in the garage and sit there for half an hour, calming myself down. I can't go in all wound up and do something I will regret.

Man up Matt and get it over with.

All the lights are on in the living room and kitchen, but not a sign of Alita. I call out to her without getting a response. Is it possible she found out about Nova's crash and choose to leave before I came back? That would be a very wise decision.

I even look in the dog room, but no sign of her. Not that it makes any difference, we have to meet up tomorrow for the paternity test anyway. My head is almost bursting in two, no way I'm falling asleep like this. Before making my way upstairs, I take a bottle of water out of the fridge and take a pain killer.

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