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Nova is having a hard time today. She is staring at her screen without doing anything, seeming to be in deep thought.

I watch her bump her head repeatedly on our desk and wonder why today is extra difficult. She apologizes when I rub her back to make her stop. Each bump attracts more curious stares from our coworkers. If they want to gossip, go buy a magazine. Leave my Angel alone.

Maybe tea and a candy bar can make her feel a little bit better. I see her lower lip tremble when I give her a mug with tea and a KitKat. She takes a quick sip, but she isn't fooling me. That little twitching of her lip gives away so much about how she reels. I know her better than she realizes.

We eat the candy in silence and I can't help it, I'm more worried about her than I want to admit. She needs her rest. "We can skip movie night this week if you're not feeling it? You can use some extra sleep and I don't want to be the reason you're missing the hours you need."

Her reaction is fierce. "No, no way we are going to skip it. It's my favorite night of the week."

I hold my hands up in surrender. It was just a question, don't bite my head off. She decided we are gonna go to mine and that's fine with me.

My heart was beating fast when I asked her if she wants to give us a chance. I felt so vulnerable and of course, I hoped she would say she will, but she didn't. She doesn't have an answer for me. I keep positive, though. She didn't say no either. So, I try to be understanding and I think I'm doing it well. I give her time and honestly, I give her as much space as I can.

I don't want to suffocate her or push her, but it's tough. I want to be with her and that's rather today than tomorrow. I want to find out how she tastes on my lips and secretly I hope she will fall asleep again Friday night. The way she laid against me and her fingers trailed on my lower back got me longing for more.

Nova takes a deep breath and opens her iPad. That's good, I think the tea helped and chocolate is always a lifesaver. Her mobile vibrates on the desk and I see her face freeze. I can't see who it is and I hope it isn't Dean again. With trembling hands, she reads it and I see all color drain from her already pale face.

Suddenly, she runs away. I immediately rise to go after her but stop when I notice she left her mobile on our desk. I grab it and look around me to see if she isn't coming back for it.

What was the code again? Five, five, eight, three?

I try and it opens on the message she just received. Afraid she will catch me I read it quickly. That English fucker. Great job Matt, she doesn't need a reminder to know you miss and love her. Just in time I close the device and put it back on the desk.

She sits back avoiding me at all costs and her phone vibrates again.

Don't tell me it's him again.

Red spots on her throat appear, reading the text with a deep frown. Something is stressing her out. She grunts and her knuckles turn white gripping her phone tighter. I see her think for a small moment and she begins to type as her life depends on it.

She throws her mobile in her bag and turns to me with an angry look. "Change of plans. I want to go out tomorrow night."

"What?" I ask in disbelief. She can't be serious. She's barely able to function today. It must have something to do with those messages. "Come on Nova. I don't think that's a good idea."

She raises her eyebrows. "I don't care. I'll go alone if you won't go with me."

I ruffle a hand through my hair and sigh. "Has it something to do with the messages you got?"

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