16 Dresses , Dresses

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Hannah immediately began to plan a shopping day in the middle of the night after the first shock of me bursting into her bedroom. She knows the best shops and to be honest I have no idea what I'm looking for.

Matt didn't leave the number of his agent. I was lucky to found it easily on his Instagram. Stupid me decided to read some of the comments under his last picture, quickly closing it when they were all from girls calling him daddy and other sorts of things I don't want to repeat.

I called his agent in my lunchbreak, crossing my fingers that he mentioned me. A huge weight fell off me when his agent knew exactly who I was.

He asked me to come over after work, so we can get everything planned out. We ended the call after he promised me not to let Matt know that I'm planning to attend his premiere in New York.

The day went by slowly and I almost ran out of the building when the clock struck five p.m. I hailed a cab and was surprised when I arrived at the address. A huge gate is facing me with a white mansion behind it. I press the intercom and a friendly female voice answers, asking me to hold up my ID in front of a camera before she opens the gate.

My God, am I entering military secret service or what?

A pretty brunette greets me at the door. She orders me to take a seat in front of her desk and she asks for my ID again, making copies of it while I let my eyes wander across the room. This house is immense. A huge chandelier hangs in the middle of the room, the floor is hardwood with a star pattern, and each piece of furniture in here is probably worth more than a month's salary.

Guess you make a lot of money when you represent important people.

The brunette holds my ID and a stack of papers in her hand, requesting me to follow her. We enter a hallway with glass and lead windows, leading us to a wooden staircase that wouldn't look bad in a palace. She stops in front of a glass door, engraved with graceful letters.

"Mister Slaughter is waiting for you," she says.

I heard the name when I called him in my lunch break, thinking I must have heard it wrong. A chill runs down my spine and I hope he is more inviting than his name. She gives me the stack of papers, my ID, and opens the door for me.

A middle-aged man greets me and invites me to sit across his desk. He looks a lot nicer than his name. When I think about it, like an older Harry Potter. Looks can be deceiving, though. He came straight to the point with me that he was not amused by my late decision.

It's shocking how much you have to arrange to attend a premiere. Every hotel is fully booked except for the shabby ones. His assistant had to call Matt's hairdresser and arrange that he and the makeup artist will stay in Matt's room. Otherwise, I don't have a place to stay the night and they will also make sure I look worthy enough to stand next to Matt at the after-party.


The word alone makes me cringe. Someone thinks I'm not good enough. Maybe it's because of my looks. I'm not the typical American girl with my bronze skin tone, dark hair, and green eyes. I try to ignore it and focus on the list of tasks I have to fulfill to meet the requirements that belong to an event like this.

I leave his office with lead in my shoes. Not only do I have to take care of stupid things like a full body wax, pedicure, and manicure. Because I'm late with my decision, I can't attend the actual premiere. I thought the premiere already took place in Tokyo. But the lovely Mister Slaughter told me that he only was there for the promotion of the movie.

Not that I want to walk the red carpet with him. God no, that would be the death of me and with my luck, I would end up kissing that same red carpet. Nevertheless, being next to him when he sees his movie for the first time would have been nice.

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