Mistakes and wedding cakes

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It's unbelievable how you can be mistaken. To me, Jaimy always has been the person who has it all together. In work, love, just life in general. The one that no matter what, keeps his head-on.

And now he does this.

I made sure the driver took off and never pulled up the parking lot at Vixens. Your boyfriend kissing a random girl, the night before you suppose to get married isn't something you need to see. Hearing it will be painful enough. A revelation that will break her, a memory that will hunt her.

But is it my duty to tell. To bring her the news that will destroy the way she feels, she loves and thinks about Jaimy? Is it?

I don't know. It's keeping me up all night.

I was determined to tell her the moment we would be home. Then, I saw her wedding dress hanging on one of the hooks where a picture of her and Jaimy hung. Waiting to be put on and let her experience the day she dreamed of since being a little girl. And I became a coward.

I didn't tell her. I helped her into the shower, made sure she drank a liter of water and took aspirin before falling into a deep sleep.

So here I am, lying awake, unable to make a decision. I toss and turn. Only two hours left and my alarm will announce a new day. Her day.

I take my phone from the nightstand and press call. It rings until it goes to his voicemail. Apparently, he has no trouble sleeping. After the beep I stay silent for a moment, realizing that leaving a mad message won't solve anything and go with, we need to talk.

The moment I want to place my phone back on the nightstand, it starts to vibrate. My fingers hover above the screen. I take a deep breath and answer. "You're an asshole."

He groans aloud, his voice raspy. "Goodmorning to you too. You know you're calling me, Jaimy and not your boyfriend, right?"

I hear him move around, opening cabinets, grunting with each sound it makes.

"Had fun last night, Jaimy?"

"Yeah, hold on a sec."

I snigger sarcastically, "Sure, I have nothing better to do anyway."

I sigh deeply, waiting for him to come back on the phone.

"Sorry, I took some painkillers. My head is bursting. I went too far last night."

"You think!"

"Shush! My head, Nova. What is your problem anyway, calling me this early and insulting me."

"What is my problem Jaimy? You seriously have the guts to ask me what my problem is? You kissing some fucking random chick the night before you suppose to get married. That is my problem Jaimy!"

He lets out an unsure laugh. "Nova, what is this? Some sort of pre-wedding joke I never heard of?"

"No, Jaimy! I'm dead serious. We drove by Vixens and I thought we could try to find you guys. Let you have a goodnight kiss. Then I see  this girl sticking her tongue in your throat after she kissed with Dallas."

Why am I even telling him this? He was there, wasn't he! There's not a sound on the line and for a moment I think he hung up on me.


"Nova, seriously, this ain't funny anymore. Cut the crap will you."

Cut the crap? "You kissed another girl! I saw you. Don't have the fucking nerve to lie about it Jaimy."

"Stop screaming at me! My head hurts enough as it is. I don't know what you're talking about. I can't remember half of what happened last night and now you're telling me I kissed some chick?"

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