3.7 - peach.

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"what the- hes having sex with a peach?" colby asked, looking at the tv, making me laugh. "ayla, why is this your favorite movie?"

"shut up! it's a beautiful love story." i smiled to him.

"a beautiful love story between a boy and a peach." colby muttered. i had convinced him to actually watch call me by your name with me. it's one of my favorite movies.

"oh, shut up." i laughed. "it's a good movie!"

"it's so... like uncomfortable. it seems like there is so much tension." he said.

"well it's the 1980s, in northern italy, and they're gay. there had to be some tension. just watch the movie, loser." i said, my attention returning to the tv.

"oh shit- what time is it?" colby asked me.

"8... why?" i asked him.

"shit." he groaned, abruptly getting out of my bed. "i told aj i'd help him organize the new shipment... i was supposed to be there at 8." he said, pulling his shirt over his head.

"i can drive you there." i offered, not wanting to leave him yet.

"but then you'd have to pick me up in the middle of the night." he said, pulling his black vans on. "i'll just drive there."

"okay." i unintentionally sighed, pressing the pause button on our movie.

"i'm sorry, babe." he said, putting his other shoe on. he placed a 'goodbye' kiss on my forehead.

"it's alright." i smiled gently. "will you be over tomorrow?" i asked him.

"i have work. maybe afterwards though. the boys mentioned plans so i don't know. but i'll definitely see you saturday!" he said, running out the door, screaming "i love you."

i decided to just texted him that i love him and to drive safe rather than yell it. i sighed, sitting back down on my bed. i stared at the wall for a few minutes until i heard a little knock on the door.

"come in." i mumbled, seeing tara.

"hey." she smiled, sitting on my bed.

"hey." i sighed out, grinning.

"are you okay?" she asked me.

"yeah. colbys just been working a lot in the past few weeks. i feel like i've barely seen him." i admitted to her.

"probably just because the holidays are approaching... i'm sure he wants to get you something nice. and we're going to kansas in a few days so you'll see a lot of him." she smiled. i hadn't had a single thought about christmas presents. i'd never had so many real friends at christmas time, so i needed to figure out what i wanted to get them.

"i'm so excited to go to kansas." i told her. "it's just uninterrupted time with my boyfriend. and you guys, of course." colby, jake, tara, sam, kat and i were all going to kansas for thanksgiving to see the boys families.

"same. jake and i have been together for almost a year and i still haven't met his family." she said. "asides from reggie." she laughed, scrunching up her face, making me laugh.

"do you wanna go shopping tomorrow? i need to get colbys family a 'thanks for having us' present." i said.

"you're such a kiss ass." she laughed. "but yeah, i'll go."

"hey! i just want to make sure they like me." i laughed.

"i'm pretty sure they love you. colby wouldn't be going to see them if it weren't for you, so i'm sure they appreciate that." she said.

"i guess so. i just want to get them something nice... and since we aren't going for christmas, i think i need to get them each something as like... an early christmas presents?" i questioned.

"yeah. i should honestly do the same for jakes family." she said. "soooo we'll leave at 2?"

"that works for me." i smiled. "do you wanna finish this movie with me?"

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