6.5 - 4 years later.

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"there you are." colby said, walking into the room, holding our youngest. "your mom texted, shell be here with the kids in half an hour." he informed me.

"okay, cool. i can take west while you go pack the car." i offered, grabbing the backpack of toys that i just filled. colby and i were taking all four of our kids to the lake house we bought.

we had done this a few times, since we bought the house shortly after baylen was born, but this was our first time taking all four kids.

two years after i had baylen, we had hudson coal brock. hudson is known as an adventurous name, which we thought was cute since sam and colby are explorers. the middle name, coal, is kind of a play on colbys name, cole robert brock. we wanted to keep it kind of as a color though, like ashton and baylens middle names, so we went with coal rather than cole.

our youngest, west grae brock, is 5 months old now, and will probably be our youngest forever. west, like most of our kids, was just a name we liked. grae was keeping with the middle name color theme, and gray is my middle name so we thought that'd be cute since hudson's middle name is colbys name.

shortly after baylen was born, colby decided that marriage is in fact something he wanted, so he proposed to me.(with the most beautiful ring ever) it was so magical. we planned the wedding for a year and then got married. i had never thought he would come around to the thought of marriage. i guess having kids together encouraged him. i think he knew my parents weren't all that fond of us having kids before marriage and that bugged him a bit. it bugged me too, to be fair. not long after our wedding and honeymoon, i found out i was pregnant with hudson.

colby and i moved right before i had hudson. our little house was fine for our family of four but we felt that we couldn't expand, so we moved to an 8 bedroom house in calabasas.

shortly after, we got another dog. ashton had begged us for another puppy, and we thought lyla would love a little friend, so we got a golden retriever. ashton wanted to name her boo, so we let her.

most of our friends have kids now as well. we hang out with them more now than we ever did.

brennen and nastassia broke up a few months after she had easton. i guess brennen wasn't doing so well with the dad life, and nastassia hated that. she was basically raising him alone. brennen was out partying a lot still, leaving her alone with the baby all of the time.

nastassia is single with a 5 year old. she went on a few dates here and there back when she and brennen first broke up. she realized she was just happier spending time alone with easton.

tara and jake had maeve and then they also had a son. they named him wilder. he's 3 now, and maeve is 6.

devyn and corey had a son. they named him crew. they also had twin girls last year. they named them mason and carter.

sam and kat have a son as well. his name is ryker. he's only a few months old.

athen and mikey have no kids, and aren't planning on having kids. they like to party too much.


"ashton, can you get lyla and boo in the car?" i asked my 6 year old daughter.

"lyla! boo!" she yelled, both dogs running towards her. "do you want to go to the car?" she cooed to them. she's the cutest little thing ever.

"do you want me to put west in her seat?" colby asked me as he walked back into the house.

"please... i think we should just stop for food on the way there because i can't be bothered to make anything. we'll get there so late if i make food." i told him.

"mobile order chick fil à and we can pick it up on the way." he suggested. i nodded and grabbed the last of the kids bags.

"come on girls, let's go to the car." i told them as colby carried hudson out and was carrying west in her car seat.

i opened the car door, letting the girls crawl in, lyla and boo following them to the back seat of the car. colby hooked west's seat down, setting hudson into his car seat and buckling him before getting into the drivers seat.

"are you girls buckled?" i asked our two oldest. hudson was basically asleep already, and west was actually asleep.

"yes, mommy." ashton replied for both of them. i looked back at her, smiling at the sight of our doberman protectively sitting in between the girls. lyla ended up looking like a full breed doberman, despite her blue eyes, so that's what we considered her.

after chick fil a, all four of the kids were asleep. i knew we'd have to stop so i could feed baby west. she was an unexpected baby, just like ashton. we tried for baylen since we wanted ashton to have a brother or sister to grow up with. we were freshly married when i found out i was having hudson, if that says anything about the situation.

life was good. colby and i are content with our fairly large family. there won't be any more kids, as far as we're concerned. we love all of our babies, and our fur babies, but i don't think we could handle anymore kids. colby disagrees but he also isn't looking to have more kids.


"so how do you want to do this, babe?" colby asked me as he pulled into the lake house driveway. it was late at night, and all of the kids were sleeping in the car.

"do you want to carry hudson and west in? i'll stay in the car with ash and bay until you come back and then each of us can take one of them." i suggested, checking my phone for any missed calls since i fell asleep shortly before our arrival.

"that works for me." he said, opening the back door, lyla and boo being quick to jump out of the car. they love coming to the lake.

once we got all of the kids inside, colby allowed me to stay in to put them in their rooms while he went out to the car to get all of our bags.

colby is basically the definition of husband material.

so, that's our lives at 26 and 28. we're both pursuing our dream jobs, along side our best friends. we have our four beautiful kids, and our two adorable dogs. we're raising our kids between new york, kansas, and of course los angeles. all of my friends from college visit us all of the time, and colbys high school friends have come out to stay with us a few times. our lives are basically perfect. it's everything i've ever dreamed of and more.

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