4.9 - halloween.

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"get out of bed, bitch! our friends will be here soon!" i encouraged nastassia. it was finally halloween and all of our friends are coming to stay with us. i was about to say something else to stas but i heard a knock on the door so i held my thought, going to answer it.

"oh, hey cal." i smiled to calum, moving aside to let him into my apartment.

"hey. did camille leave her phone here last night?" he asked me.

"i haven't seen it. you can check around for it though." i told him, shutting the door.

"cool, thanks." he smiled, checking the couch cushions.

"i'm getting a shower- oh hey cal." she smiled, noticing him standing in our living room. "i'm getting a shower, let me know when the crew gets here." she told me. i nodded, cleaning up in the kitchen a bit before our friends got there.

"i'm sure you'll hear them when they get here." i laughed.

we had cal, camille, esmae, and rhett over last night. they know these two guys who live on our floor, chase and jj, who also came over. stas and i were friends with them as well but they definitely knew them better. it was probably a stupid idea to have so many people over the night before i had a big group of guests coming over but i liked having little parties.

"you need help?" cal asked me, noticing i was putting away the dishes.

"if you want." i told him. cal is really sweet and thoughtful. he and camille are actually perfect for each other. the knock on the door made me jump, making calum laugh at me so i flipped him off before yelling to come in.

"hi!" tara said, running in and hugging me.

"hi!" i smiled, hugging her back. the whole group came in, all of them hugging me and saying hello. "oh, guys, this is calum. he lives right next door." i told them.

they all introduced themselves to him, making me internally laugh because i knew there was no way he'd remember all of their names.

"where's stas?" brennen asked me.

"shower... feel free to join her." i joked, everyone laughing. "i missed you." i smiled to colby, allowing him to pull me closer to him, kissing my forehead.

"i missed you." he whispered, everyone looking around the apartment. pretty much everyone living in the building are teenagers or young adults so we never get noise complaints, thankfully.

"hey, bubbles, i'm heading back over to my place. i'll see you tonight." cal smiled, letting himself out of the apartment.

"bubbles?" colby scoffed.

"that's who i'm dressing up as tonight. no need to get your panties in a twist. cal has a girlfriend." i assured him.

last year, all of us corresponded and dressed as the mario kart characters... this year was not so organized. so nastassia, camille and i were dressing at the powerpuff girls tonight. tomorrow the whole crew was doing the ever so basic slutty cops and criminals costume. that seemed to be one of the only things we could do that the whole group could dress as.

there was yet another knock on the door.

"kat, can you get that?" i asked, since she was standing closest to the door. she nodded, opening the door, chase walking in, saying hi.

"hey, ayls, i need my keys," he said, standing near the door since everyone was kinda in the way of him coming into the kitchen where i was. i grabbed his keys off of the counter, throwing them to him.

"glad to see you can catch something other than stds." i joked.

"aw, fuck you too ayla." he joked, the two of us laughing at each other. "i'll see ya tonight." he announced, walking back out of my apartment.

"who was that?" athen asked me with a laugh, everyone else wondering the same thing.

"chase. he lives down the hall." i told them.

after about an hour of catching up with everyone, i realized colby had barely said anything since they arrived.

"you okay, bub?" i whispered.

"mhm." he hummed.

"what's wrong?" i asked him, detecting his lie.

"nothing." he said, showing me a fake smile.

"i know you better than that, brock. come with me." i said, grabbing his hand and leading him into my room. "now, what's up?" i asked him.

"i don't know. i- i guess it's just crazy to me to think you have an entire life here, without me. like i don't know the people you hang out with every single day, or your favorite place to get breakfast on sunday mornings, or the route you take on your evening walks like i do back home." he admitted to me.

it seemed that a lot of our relationship had become sad over the past few months. we needed to fix that.

"baby." i said, feeling bad. "i- i don't know what to say." i admitted.

"that's okay. you don't have to know what to say. i just wanted you to know, i guess." he responded.

"we'll work on it, yeah? i'll tell you more about my life here and you can tell me more about life back home. i just didn't want to upset you by talking about new york all the time. i never would've imagined you wanting to actually wanting to hear about it." i laughed.

"i wanna know everything about you." he smiled, kissing me.


"do you guys remember that time i walked in on colby jerking off when we had like JUST met?" i asked, cracking up at the thought. the group of us are drunk off of our asses, laughing at anything and everything while we shared random memories.

cal, camille, esmae, rhett, chase, jj, stella, nova and hayes all met up with us before the party... and now that the party is over, we're all back at the apartment.

"ah that was a good day." jake laughed.

"i can't believe you stayed with him." jake said with a chuckle.

"i guess now would be a good time to bring up the fact that ayla sleep talks." colby laughed.

"you're telling me... i basically lived with the bitch my whole life." stas laughed, making me flip her off.

"wait guys- how do you make holy water?" i asked them, looking around the circle.

"i've only been to church once. i have no clue." colby laughed from behind me.

"you boil the hell out of it." i said, in hysterics from the terrible joke, everyone else also laughing.

"tell us more!" kat said.

"what's forest gumps password?" i asked them.

"i don't know, tell us." tara said after everyone though for a minute.

"1forest1." i said, cracking up as everyone joined me.

"god, you're terrible at jokes." jj laughed.

"i am not!" i said, defending myself. "what do you call a man with a rubber toe?" i asked them.

"i think i know this one... but i'll let you tell it." cal said from beside me, knowing how much i like telling my jokes

"robertoe." i said, making everyone absolutely lose their shit. it had to be a mix between the fact that we're plastered and the fact that all of us genuinely thought everything was funny even when sober.

this trip was well needed for all of us... it felt like normal, just like it had before stas and i left.

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