Uptown Funk || Nash

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Me and Gabby had taken a taxi all the way to the main town, where we were aiming to meet some close friends up in Starbucks. I always preferred Costa but suddenly, the idea of Starbucks excited me. Gabby stayed the night yesterday, and we watched Netflix for hours until Gabby fell asleep and I just went on my phone until I felt so tired, I had to go to sleep.

Gabby looks very pretty today. She said earlier today in my room that she was trying to go natural, floral and pastel colours. She described it as natural and I said it was so 'tumblr.' She is wearing those crowns with petals on, I don't know what you call them. Her dress is a pastel, light pink colour with pastel, light blue sandals to go with the warm weather. Her makeup is also natural yet so beautiful I felt so lucky to even be next to her. Looking at her in the car made me realise how lucky I was. When she finally turns to me, I quickly look away so I don't look like a stalker boyfriend or a crepy boyfriend.

She nudges me. "See there, thats the town centre, right?" She points at a little area where there are shops placed around a square concerete floor with patterns on. People are walking by and occasionly giving me and Gabbs a glare as we are both now staring at me.

I raise a brow. "Looks like it, I guess" I say slowly. "But the taxi has not stopped yet."

"Starbucks isn't in the centre of town, love. It is on Perkson Road, the town a few treets before this one" Gabby explains. She calls me 'love' now and I call her honey. We have now been together for over two weeks and I could not be happier. Our relationship is going quite fast but I honestly love it that way. My past relationships went so slow and I really hated it. The fact we call each other cute names does not push me away, it pulls me closer and I think it does the same to Gabby.

Suddenly, the taxi driver says, "pulling up now, Perkson Road is around the connor." I hear Gabby say 'thanks' but I am not sure as I am too busy staring ahead of me. The area is less crowded but more beautiful than the town centre. The shops are more lively and pretty than the dull Sainsbury's and Tesco shops. The cute little ones, that you would see in Brighton (thats right, I'm watching Alfie's vlogs and Zoe's old ones!). I see the logo of Starbucks (the mermaid or whatever it is) and grin without thinking.

The taxi stops and I open the door, holding it for Gabby as she steps out and grins at me. "Time?" she asks curiously.

I check my golden watch. "Half eleven. We are a few minutes late."

Gabby sighs. "Doesn't matter, the traffic is our reason. Lets go." We walk to Starbucks, holding hands until we get to the shop and Gabby squeezes my hand, but softly lets go.

She opens the door and I hold it for her, letting it fall gently behind me. As soon as I walk in, I see the gang sitting on a table, laughing with each other. Tyler (and his aqua hair) is talking with Niomi and Jim, who are listening to his story, laughing at some points and grinning at each other constantly. It is clear that we are saving them from a bad story.

"Hey guys!" Gabby chips in as we get to them.

"Oh, hello!" Jim smiles at us. "Me and Niomi were just listening to Tyler's... amazing story!" He winks at us.

Niomi laughs and hugs Gabby, whilst grinning at me and waving. Tyler laughs loudly in delight. "You know it was amazing!" he says, assuming it was a joke and Jim loved the story. When he clearly got the wrong end of the stick...

Gabby laughs. Then, she sits next to Niomi and Tyler, whilst I sit next to Niomi and Jim. I grin at Jim and Niomi and see Tyler grinning at me and then I look down to see a Coffee with my name on it. I look harder to see it says 'Nashy.'

I glare at them as they burst into fits of laughter. "Wow..." I begin to laugh with them, passing the drink to show Gabby what it says.

Gabby laughs with them. "Nashy!" She grins.

I frown at them. "Did I say that I wanted a coffee?" I declare. Their faces all turn red with embarrassment and worry that they just spent money for a waste.

I suddenly laugh. "HAHA! That's my joke of the day!" I grin at them.

Their face's relax and Jim punches me playfully in the shoulder, Tyler in giggles and Niomi smiling and laughing at the whole scene. Gabby is just grinning at me and I wink back.

Jim claps his hands. "Right! Don't want to be rude, but can you both use these as takeaways, I want to start this day, it seems fun already!"

By the way, they ordered Gabby a Chocolate Cream, don't worry!

"Okay, sounds good" I say getting up and we all sort ourselves out of the doorway and into the start of a hell lot of fun!


The day so far is so much fun. Even though we have just stopped off at Wagamamas for a takeaway (so that we can eat outside in the town's park), it has been so much fun.

After Starbucks, Gabby, Tyler and Niomi went shopping for clothes as they were thinking of doing haul videos for their main channels (Tyler just did not want to come with us) and me and Jim went to a mini football match that anyone could watch. Then we went into the arcade and spent a few hours in there before agreeing to meet the girls and Tyler at Wagamamas.

The Arcade was awesome though! I played a game called 'Hop Skip' where we had to jump up and down for as long as we could in the one minute time we had been given. We played three rounds of that and Jim won, two and I had one but then we played a game called 'Electric Tennis' where you have to use the fake racket to hit the ball (its on the screen but you do the actions with the fake toy racket) and from then on, it is basically just like real tennis. I won all the eleven rounds of that, which annoyed Jim because he used to play tennis and I still beat him!

Now we are in Wagamamas and Tyler is telling us a story about him and Troye, when they met Harry Styles.

"... So we were there, talking about a collab when suddenly, we hear screaming and flashing and see cameras coming in our direction. We look up and see Harry Styles, walking through them all with guards pulling teenage girls away and Harry is walking to us. We gasp and get up. He shakes our hands and says that he likes our videos and that he loves Troye's song, 'my happy little pill.' It was so awesome, you guys!" Tyler squeaks.

"Wow, if I ever met Harry Styles... That's life goals, Tyler! You met my fricking life goals, what even?!" Gabby laughs, biting into her noodles.

"It is lucky, dude" I say to him, grinning as I drink a bit of my lemon fanta.

Jim grins at Tyler, who is flushed with happiness, and Niomi says, "God Tyler, I am so jealous of you!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Tyler laughs, pushing his plate firmly away from him. "Well then, I am finished. Anyone want to go out with me whilst the rest finish?"

I push my plate away too. "I'm ready!"

Tyler grins at me. "Let's go, are you guys okay with that plan we have? I just really want to shop, it's killing me, it's-"

"Of course!" Niomi interrupts with a laugh and Tyler grins. "Later" he says and waves at them.

I wave and quickly kiss Gabby. "See you later, honey."

Gabby kisses me back. "Love" she whispers.

I walk out with Tyler, who is grinning at me. I laugh at him. "What?"

"I'm glad you came out, I wanna talk man to man." He pats my back and we go to a bench. "You and Gabby huh? And by the way, I can be a guy talker when I am needed so let it out, big guy."

I laugh. "Yeah, yeah. Going strong, I guess. What about you and Troye, huh? How's that going?"

Tyler smiles. "Yeah, I'm a lucky guy. He's awesome."

I smile at him, when Gabby, Jim and Niomi come out. "I'm going to head back, me and Tan are going out on a date tonight" Jim smiles.

"Yeah, I best be heading back" Niomi says.

Gabby looks at me. "We should as well."

I nod and me and Tyler get up. I hug them all, especially Tyler and whisper him that his problems (if he has any).

Then me and Gabby head home.


Okay, I didn't update on the weekdays, sorry!

Hope you enjoy this, another is coming tomorrow or Sunday xxxxxx

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