Google || Lauren

647 20 6

I took a long break because I wasn't into this but so many of you wanted me to update so I will, I love you all and im sorry

It isn't gunna be long bc I want to show you that im back x


Joe calls Beth, who is now joined with everyone. When we tell them that we are going to Google, they all see, shocked and worried. Also, confused.

"Guys, you have to be quick. We can't cover for you, forever!" Zoe says.

"We will be as fast as we can but if we find out where they are, it doesn't matter how long we are, we will be heading to the police by then" I point out and everyone around me nods.

I hear Beth exhale. "Kay, move it!" And she hangs up.

We move quickly along the roads, until we get to the train station. Caspar sighs at his phone.

"27 minutes!" He moans. Suddenly a bus comes out of the distance. I laugh and he smiles slyly. "App crashed" he laughs. "LOL."

We all get on, clearly in shock.

"Sorry my car broke guys" I say.

"It's ok" Joe says and we fall silent. We want answers, we want help. We need it. We have theory's passing our minds and we want to know.

The bus stops. We are at Google.

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