New Guest and Bad girls || Zoella

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Hey guys, the reason I've added (yes I added someone) Bethany Mota to the fanfic is because I love her videos and recently I've had a real obsession with her. She may not be as active as we would all like her to be, but we have to remember she's busy and she will forever be grateful for what we did. I love her lots and im so proud of her achievements. I can't call myself a fan as ive been subscribed for about a month and that's not enough tbh *laughing face emoji*

But I love her edits and I think she deserves to be in this video as much as the rest :) xxxxxx


It is announced that we have a new guest joining us. We know nothing about it. We don't know who it is, why they came later than us and what status they have on YouTube. Do they have 500k like Gabby? 7 Million like me? ( Not trying to boast, sorry!) do they have 3 million like Alfie, or 30 million like Pewdiepie? We are told nothing but the fact that we have a new visitor. We all sit in the meeting room, Dom at the front. He's most of our managers. He helped me with Zoella Beauty and Alfie with the posters, beanies and books. He's amazing, and he was introducing us to the new guest.

He stands up and clears his voice. "Hello, all you lovely people" he laughs. "Looking amazing as always, but today, is the day you meet a YouTube sensation. She's got 8 Million subscribers and a new song out! Although that means she won't always be around. But she's living with you all so you better get used to it! It's Bethany Mota!"

I know her as soon as she walks into the room. I did an interview with Bethany Mota once. She walks into the room, smiling slyly and waving to us all. Her curly brown hair isn't the only thing stunning about her. Her smiling is flawless. She is wearing a pink dress, with a fluffy cardigan and some blue flip flops. I've watched her videos, and I loved him. They were so detailed, especially with the editing. Nothing I've ever edited could add up to her videos. They are amazing. The interview I did with her was so fun because she was so kind. She told me all editing tricks that I still remember today. The reason I don't do them is because I'm a lazy ass.

Then I remembered the downs. Beth is being super inactive on her channel because of her crazy life. She has so many haters because she never posted videos anymore. I suddenly felt a feeling of shame. What if I become like that?

I can't. I'll never realise a song, I just want to be normal. But I respect Beth. She is busy and she can not stop that. And she is clearly still grateful. 

"Hi!" she grins at us all. Then she looks at me and stares. Her face lights up and she goes red. "Zoella!" she squeals. "Sorry, I look really fangirlish... but I love your videos! Honestly, they make my life!"

"Oh.. wow!" I laugh, getting up and hugging her. "Thank you but same! I really love your videos... but I have spoke with you before!" 

Beth's face goes blank. 

"In London...? The Capital De Mail...?" I urge. I remember it so clearly because she was so kind, and we ended up going shopping after. Thats how much we clicked.

Beth suddenly gasps. "Oh yeah! Didn't we go shopping after or something?!" 

"Yep!" I laugh. 

Beth laughs too. "That was so fun!" 

Dom coughs awkwardly from behind us and Beth turns to him, laughing. I smile.

"Sorry Dom!" Beth says. She turns to everyone else. "I am excited to live with you all. I really wanted to come to the house and now I am here, it will be so much fun! Kind as he is, Dom set up a party tonight so we can chat then!" 

Everyone starts chatting until Tanya comes to me and whispers, "its time for your plan, Zoe. Make it worth my time!"

I laugh and whisper back, "I'm always worth your time anyway."


We sneak up the corrider of where me and Alfie's flat is and I look up the stairs. They are long and, to be honest, they look really scary. I wink at Tan and I start going up. I look down to see Tan is regretting this completely.

"Zoe... I don't think this was a good idea... AT ALL!" she hisses. "Can we go back?"

"You can, I am not" I say calmly to her. Tanya sighs. 

"You can go Tan! I am fine!" I say encouragingly to her. I really meant it. I know this isn't that good and we could get into serious trouble. But... do I care?

"I'd rather wee in front of everyone than leave you alone to get into trouble." Tan clearly looks regretful, but not on what she just said. 

I blow her a kiss and continue walking, a lot slower and quieter, until I hear Tan's careful steps behind. I know she'd never let me do this alone. Thats one thing I love about Tan. She doesn't let her friends fall unless she does as well. 

I come up and wait for Tanya.  When we get there, I tell her to follow me. Then I start going along the hallway. 

It is a lot bigger than I thought it was. The walls are glass and you can see out into the day time. The borders are a light birch wood colour and I felt a feeling of excitement, to what I will soon find out. I keep moving on, stopping every now and again to check Tan is with me.

Suddenly, after all the dark doors, I saw a huge door and it was light. I could also hear arguments and yelling. As I move closer, I hear Tan breath loudly next to me. I am starting to get nervous. I start to here the conversations grow. When we are close enough to hear, I reconise a voice. The lady who informed us about the filming being stopped. 

She is speaking so harshly. "Listen!" She yells through the rough voices, that finally stop when she speaks again. "We are letting ourselfs worry and we are defiantly thinking about the worst issues in our case! We will tell the youtubers at Bethany Mota's party tonight that they are coming. We will also tell them that if they ask about lack of subscribers, they just need to ignore and say that they know nothing about it..."

"What!?" Tan hisses in my ear. I hush her and continue listening.

 "They can not know that we don't belong to Google" the lady says quietly. "And they can not know why the subscribers are lowering."

"Zoella is almost back at 6 million" a man's voice says. "Thats at the point where we will get sussed out!"

"Thats for another meeting" the lady says harshly. "But all I am saying is, we will say we know nothing and maybe even get Google into trouble about it! Youtube is a bad place, and we need to destroy it. And the youtubers living under our conditions are making it seem more successful by the minute. We need to end it. Now..."

I can not listen anymore. I feel terrifed. Shocked. I get up, grabbing and pulling Tan with me and run down the stairs that were shaking in my case. I open my door to my flat and slam it behind Tan. We flop on the end and Tanya gasps. 

"What is happening to our subscribers, Zoe?" She whispers, shaking. "And what will happen to us? Our career?"

I sniff, feeling my eyes well up. "Tell Jim and I will tell Alfie. We are not living in a house with Google, Tan. We are living with Youtube Haters."


OOOOooooh! Drama! I decided not to make Google seem bad because its an amazing company! 

I am jamming to 1989 rn, I love Taylor Swifts new album sooooo much!

Please vote and comment, I really like talking to you guys in the comments! I accept ideas and advice because I want to know what you want as well as me :) 


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