What?! || Zoella

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I reached for my phone, that laid on the sofa. It was an unknown number so I left it. It called me again. And again. It kept calling until I couldn't handle it anymore and I slowly picked it up.

"Hello?" I said, unsure of who it would be. Nala jumps on my lap. I stroked her softly, waiting for whoever called me to answer.

"Hello Zoella Sugg" a posh lady answered on the phone. I breathed heavily. Not a viewer. I couldn't handle that viewer telling everyone I answered because everyone would be annoyed that I declined their phone call.

"Yes, that is me" I said lightly, smiling at Nala who was rolling around in my lap as I rubbed her little belly.

"Could you possibly get Alfie Deyes on the phone. I have news for you both to hear."

"Okay..." Confused, I called Alfie down. Alfie stumbled down the stairs and when he came into the living room, he frowned at me. He must have been sleeping because he looked annoyed and moody.

"What is it?" He asked me.

I told him silently to get over here and when he did, I turned the phone on speaker. "Okay, he's here" I said.

"Perfect. Hello to you both. I hope you are having a nice Sunday Afternoon. I am from Google. As a company idea, Google decided that the Youtubers are getting too big to being sitting at home, videoing on a mini camera when millions of young teenagers are looking up at them."

I frowned at Alfie who had a confused look on his face. "Yes...?" I urge, wanting her to continue.

"So we have decided a base. Called 'The Youtuber House.' It's simple and goes to the point. We have been working on this for the last few months and it's finished today, which marks the day we tell you. We are asking you to leave your home and come live in The Youtuber House with your fellow friends."

I stared at the phone in shock and utter amazement. This lady was asking us if we could move to a place where all our friends were. But that didn't make any sense, to me or Alfie.

"Can you go into detail?" Alfie asked shakily, clearly in shock as well as me.

"Of course" the lady said kindly. "For you two, in the house, you will be living together and you can have you dog with you. You will be in a house like you are now but a bigger version and it will not be just yours. Together, you both will have a bathroom, bed, kitchen and living room. But it will be smaller because we need to have the rest of the Youtubers in."

"What Youtubers are going to be in his house?" I questioned, turning the phone louder so Alfie could hear whilst he made some coffee.

"I shall name all the Youtubers that we are asking and the Youtubers that said they will go into the house" the lady said.

"Thanks" I whispered.

"We asked Niomi Smart and Marcus Butler, who said they would think about it. We asked Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman, who said that they would go in. We asked VelvetGh0st, Gabby. She said she would go in the house. We asked Caspar Lee and ThatcherJoe who said yes. We asked Phil and Dan, who said yes. SprinkleOfGlitter said no which is fine because of Darcy. We asked The SacconeJoly's who said no. Lucy and Lydia said yesWe asked Colleen and her husband to be, Joshua and they said yes. Jesse and Jeana from GFVSBF said yes.We asked Lauren Curtis, and she said yes. MyNamesChai who said yes. And lastly, Nash Grier who said yes and Cameron Dallas who said yes."

That was a lot to take in. Alfie came back with coffee and gave it to me, sitting down next to me.

"Ummm, we will think about it. How long is it for?' Alfie asked, as I nuzzled against him, wishing this clearly crazy woman would go away and leave us so we could have some peace.

"It's for a year. By the end of the year, if people want to stay, they can. But if you don't, you may leave."

"So you can't leave after a week?! What if you really don't like it and you can't wait a year?!" I said, rising my voice.

"It's not ideal for you to leave but if you must you can leave, but you see, Zoella, this is a challenge. We will be filming it for the series on Television. If you can't stay a year, you don't win an award in front of President Obama. And you don't complete it. So it's your choice."

I was too annoyed to speak. I didn't like the way she addressed me. She was harsh and I didn't like it. At all.

"What about Zoe's anxiety? Will there be an issue in that... house?" Alfie asked nervously, squeezing my hand.

"We will take that under consideration."

"Okay we have nothing more to say, bye." I end the call quickly before Alfie can stop me. I sat back, not knowing what to say. I could tell Alfie felt the same as I felt.

"Well, Nala is only young. She'll hate it" Alfie said.

I go on Twitter and nodded. It's exactly what I thought. I knew they would do this. "Alfie, we have no choice."

"What do you mean?"

"Look." I showed him. "It's all over Twitter. It's the highest trending. None of us Youtubers have a choice. The viewers all know about it and are dying for us to go. And here."

I pointed at the hashtag, #ZalfieYoutubeHouse. "They are never going to let it go. It will be everywhere."

Alfie sighed at twitter. "Maybe we can explain. I'm sure our viewers will understand if we-"

"Some will. But not enough, this could ruin us Alfie" I whispered. "We have no choice. Google tricked us. It's all a game. But we have to."


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