Pool party and crap Boyfriend || Zoella & Velvetgh0st

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Okay, sorry about yesterday, I was being really weird. I want to write for you guys, can't promise how much or frequent I will be but I want to write.

Can't promise I'll always be the most active person but I'll try as hard as I can.

Thanks for your comments, they mean more than you think.

After finding Alfie, he tells me everything. I feel more nervous as he speaks. It is bad because I was trying to find him to tell him about a pool party we are having. Which is the last thing I feel like but so many people are going.

We walk to our room and Alfie sighs.

"I'll get our swimming costumes" he says, kissing me quickly on the forehead and he walks in. I lean against the wall and put my hands on my forehead. I still can't believe it. How evil some one could be. How can we, as youtubers, fix this? How can we? It's like a movie that sucks.

I walk into the room and catch my costume as Alfie throws it. I put it on quickly. It's a red flowery bikini. I put it on and look in the mirror and sigh. Time to take off my makeup. Not that I cared, it's just I had broken out recently and I felt really nervous. Still am. But no one will judge me, right?

I grab a pad and slap some cleansing oil on my face, followed by face wash and moisturiser. Then I tie my short hair up in a bun, grab my sunglasses and chuck them on and I look at myself again.


Alfie walks in, with his long shorts, that are blue. Alfie grins at me and walks over, putting his hands on my waist.

"Ready, liccle one?" He asks.

I sigh, and lean on his shoulder. I shake my head. Alfie's grin turns to a sad face and I will bad for making his mood drop so suddenly.

"I'm sorry, yeah I'm ready!" I say, pulling a fake smile.

Alfie hugs me. "We don't have to go, Zoe."

"I want to" I say and I pull him towards the door.


The pool is crowded with people and I suddenly feel terrified. Crowds areas, what if my anxiety comes?

Alfie whispers in my ear, asking me if this is alright for me and if I want to go back. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him, a long, loving kiss.

"I'm fine, go have fun, I'm going to find Tan and Nimbob" I say, kissing him again quickly on the cheek. He grins and kisses me on the head before running off with Marcus, where they jump into the pool.

I grin at him. Alfie is my favourite, he always looks after me. I push past some random people and get to Gabby, Tan and Niomi. Gabby is sobbing and Tan and Niomi are comforting her.

"Hey" I say with frown. "Gabbs what's wrong?"

Gabby looks up at me and whispers, "can you guys come with me outside, it's too loud. I'm sorry but please?"

"Yes" I say, helping her up. I am glad she said that, I am starting to feel hot and panicky. When we get outside, she bangs against the wall.

"Gabbs!" Tan and I screech, running to her and Niomi grabs her too.

"Everything is wrong" Gabby whispers. "Nash and I had another fight today. I said he didn't care about his viewers and what was happening and he said he did but I always went off and I should spend at least a day with him which is so unfair because I am with him all the time! Also, my Twitter got hacked like Beth's and I said I was leaving youtube because I hated the pressure and I got all hate and then my Twitter got deleted because so many people reported it! And now, I have 50, 000 people subscribed to my youtube, when I had 400, 000 subscribed and it's all so annoying!" She is sobbing and I hug her hard.

"It will be okay" I say soothingly. "I'll take you back to your room." I look at Tans and Niomi. "You guys stay, but can you tell Alfie that I went to my room with Gabby, but I am fine."

They nod and hug me and Gabby.


Gabby POV

Zoe leads me to my room and hugs me tightly. "I'll stay with you tonight" she says calmly.

"No, you have to go and have fun!" I gasp, wiping my eyes.

"Gabbs, I don't want to be down there, it's sweaty and I feel so nervous, honestly!" She says.

I hug her again and open my door to find Nash there. Zoe whispers to me, "I'll wait out here" she says. I nod and walk in.

"Where have you been, I waited for you, missing the pool party!" Nash yells, getting up.

"I went" I say firmly.

"Are you... crying? Why?" Nash frowns.

"No reason, leave it" I say harshly. "Zoe is staying with me tonight, we are tired of the party."

"I'm here!" Nash says.

"You don't count as anything" I reply.

"This is what I mean, you always go with your friends!" Nash moans, grabbing his towel.

"Get out!" I scream. He walks out angrily and Zoe hugs me as I cry.

"Such a ****!" I scream at him as he walks away and Zoe keeps hugging me as I cry.


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