Oh no || Bethany

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After Zoe had told us about everything, I was determined to stay as far away as I could from the cameras. Now I knew the plan that these strangers had, I was ready to bring them down. You see, I don't get scared about these kind of things. I just want to win, to beat those sad people. Thanks to Alfie and his plan, it looks like it's working.

That night, I went to Tyler's room. We planned earlier to go met everyone in the dining room to discuss how the plan was going. I have a few things to say. Like how I ignored a man, asking me to look at the camera and he frowned at me, saying I was being ridiculous and that I was letting my fans down. I said: are you sure? And then I stormed out. The second time I ignored another camera with a different man, he said to his friend that this has happened before and that something was wrong.

As me and Tyler walk down the hall, I say, "seen cameras?"

Tyler laughs. "Hell yeah! I owned the plan, I just went away, blocked them out. Like they weren't even there, what about you?"

"I did it twice" I grin to him. "The second time, there was two men and when I walked away, he said that something was wrong because this had happened before."

Tyler smiles. "Big daddy!"

I laugh at him.

We walk into the room to see everyone sitting down, apart from Zoe and Tan, who were clearly leading it. Tan sees me and grins.

"Tyler and Beth! Your the last ones."

"That was Tyler's fault!" I point at him and laugh as he acts innocent and points at himself in shock.

"Girl, you know that was you." He grins.

I sit down next to Alfie and Troye, and Tyler sits next to Troye. Tan stands strongly next to Zoe, as Zoe speaks slowly into the microphone and says, "so, who has anything to share about the plan? Has it worked?"

I put my hand up, along with many other people. Zoe looks around and points at Marcus, who stands up. Alfie also gets up and walks to Marcus so they are both speaking.

"So we were talking" Marcus begins. "And then the cameras came to us and the man was looking at us, like, speak." He looks at Alfie.

"So we walked away and the man hissed at us, like, hinting to us to come and talk to the camera but we just ran away" Alfie ends.

Zoe nods and Tan smiles. "Perfect, that's what we need! Acting like the cameras aren't there, so they sense that something is wrong" Tan says cheerily. Then she points at me, and I get up.

"It happened to me twice, you know, bumping into the camera" I say. "And the first I walked away and the man said I was letting my fans down and I was like, are you sure dude?"

I notice a few people laugh at that and then I say, "so the next time, when I walked away, the man said the the other man, that this is happening with the rest, something is wrong."

"WOOO!" Zoe and Tan yell and everyone, including me, laughs. "That's perfect, Beth!" Zoe grins. "Well done, oh my god!"

I laugh and sit down. We go through everyone's suggestions, advice, opinions and comments until it's time for the worst part. To check everyones account.

"Alfie sorted this out" Zoe says and Alfie gets up, going to the stage and turning the screen on so we were on YouTube.

"Zoe first" he says and clicks on Zoella. It says 6, 234, 938. Everyone gasps, because that wasn't expected. She's going back from 7 million. Zoe looks at it and her face drops. She clearly didn't expect it to go that far. Her face goes red and she starts to cry. I can not bare the face, how disappointed she looks. She is near to 5 million for god sake.

Tan Hugs Zoe and Zoe sobs more. "I'm sorry" she whispers. Everyone understands but they didn't have the strength to say it. So I did.

I get up and go to her. "We understand Zoe, it's hard" I say, and with that, I say to Alfie, "check me."

He nods and goes to my page. I have 7, 678, 928. I've gone off 8 million and gone to 7 million. Wow.

I hold in a sob and nod firmly at the screen. "Okay" I say. "That is messed up, check someone else."

"Me!" Niomi says. Niomi had 1 million the last time I checked, so she's going to have so much less than before.

Alfie clicks on her channel and it says, 109, 543. No.

No way.

"What?!" Niomi gasps, tears forming in her eyes. "My viewers, they are mostly gone."

Marcus hugs her and she bursts into tears. "That is so annoying!" She sobs. Marcus kissed her head.

We went through them all and it is pretty messed up.

Marcus - 2, 345, 235

Alfie - 2, 564, 268

Tanya - 1, 122 213

Troye - 2, 285, 234

Tyler - 3, 466, 392

Gabby - 92, 234

Nash - 2, 456, 134

Jim - 602, 234

But, no one was sad about the amounts they had lost. It's about the viewers. Where are they? Are they panicking at home, clicking on YouTube to see nothing coming up? Has a sign came up saying that youtube is deleted or youtube is unavailable.

Alfie goes on Twitter and it's crazy. All three hashtags are trending, with 6 million tweets on each one:


"This is too far" Zoe says.

"You are right about that" a voice says. Everyone in the room gasps, as they turn to the door to see a bunch of men and women, who work here, are glaring at us all in shock and anger.

Alfie, Zoe, Tan and I all get up.

"This is rubbish" I say through gritted teeth. "Stop hacking the accounts, we know everything. We know that your destroying our careers, but worst of all, our viewers and their channels. No excuses, that's what your doing. We can call our managers, Dom, and the rest of them. We can get this published everywhere and as for your little TV show. None of us are starring in it so find somewhere else to gain money for nothing. We aren't doing it and we are all leaving tomorrow. Leaving the house, leaving your lifestyle. You don't deserve us, so try find an answer for that."

All my friends (aka youtubers) nod and someone goes "yeh."

The lady glares at me. "How do you know?" She asks harshly. I don't know how to answer, so Zoe does instead.

"Me and Tanya went to the third floor and overheard everything" she says. But what she says next is a different approach to how I handled it. "Please stop this. If you hate us, comment on all our videos saying so, don't physically break us down, it's unfair."

"Life is unfair" the lady snaps. "Now all you listen. You broke our rules. You weren't allowed up there. And as for all this, if you leave, we will shut down twitter, Instagram and everything for you and all your followers. We were just going to do youtube but now, we may as well do the whole hog. You youtubers are nothing. You don't deserve fame, you talk to a bloody camera. You play for a career which isn't fair on those who work hard for half of what you get paid. Soon, you will have no subscribers and then we will hack your social medias, saying that you have had enough of youtube, you don't like it anymore. So, that's it then. Go find another career. Remember, if you leave, all your media is gone."

And with that, she storms out of the room. Then she comes back and says, "by the way, STOP IGNORING THE BLOODY CAMERA, IF YOU WANT TO LOSE YOUR TWITTER!" She screams and walks out. Everyone follows and leaves us here.

Zoe, Niomi, Gabby, Tan and me all start crying. Alfie looks like he will break down, like the rest.

We can't do anything. We have been blackmailed.


DRAMAAAA! this is defiantly a sad chapter, emotional :(

Sorry for lack in uploads, follow my Instagram fan account: @idolzoella

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