Cheesy Robots and Troyler || Niomi

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So far in the house, everything seems to be going good. Me and Marcus went into town yesterday, and discovered so many cool things. It was really fun and set me in a good mood when we got back. We went to Papa John's and ordered a takeaway for the night instead of having dinner with everyone else. Because you have your own fridge in your room, you can buy dinner just for yourself so we do that a lot more than we used to. We are not the only ones. Zoe and Alfie do it, so does Nash and Gabby and Joe and Caspar. Although Joe and Caspar go to clubs with Nash, Troye and sometimes Tyler. They go a lot now, and I have only ever been once because Marcus wanted to go. It was fun, sure, but tiring and pretty boring. You dance, you drink. That is about it.

Today I had plans to go into town with Tyler, Gabby, Nash and Jim. Alfie and Zoe were going to buy food and treats for Nala. Tanya and Marcus were going to film their main channel videos today. Thats why I always film mine earlier...

Also, Troye is going to shoot some pictures for a Gossip Girl Magazine in New York, so he had to leave pretty early this morning to be back in time for the cameras tomorrow.

I am currently waiting outside Tyler's room as he wanted someone to wait for him. He takes ages and aparently I do too but here I am. But haha, the lies.

Finally, Tyler pops out of the room with his blue styled hair, big, round glasses and the biggest smile in the world.

"Well, hello there!" He laughs. "Niomi!"

I frown at him. "I've been waiting here for too long, Tyler! You take forever, oh my god!"

Tyler giggles, and wraps an arm around me. "Sorry, no one told me that I had a crowd, waiting for me to shine!"

Usually, I'd be pretty pissed off, but Tyler has a sense of humor that no one can decline. Trust me, its so much harder than it looks. You can not stay mad at Tyler for long, he is like a kind and cheezy robot, that no one knows how to overcome. So instead of calling him a cheezy robot, I just smile weakly at him.

"Fine, you got me. Now hurry up! We are already too late to take the same taxi with them, we need to book our own."

"Niomi, thats fine! Haven't ya'll haven't booked a taxi on the streets before?" Tyler looks at me with a grin. "Yell 'TAXI!' and someone should come along eventually."

"Yeah, well I am not Miss Last Minute" I huff at him, taking his hand and pulling him quickly across the corrider until we reach the lift. As we walk in, he replies.

"You're right... You're Miss Stress" he laughs as a lady walks into the lift and the doors shut firmly behind her.

I nudge him. "I am not Miss Stress" I hiss at him. "I just like to know what's happening, when and that everything is sorted out, which is certainly not what is happening now... because of you!"

"..Are... are you..." Tyler pats the lady on the back, who turns and looks at him in a confused manner. "Did you hear that, Madam? Is this lady stressed or what?"

The lady looks startled and says quickly, "I did not encounter your conversation, my apoligises." Then she looks away, going bright red. She seems so embarrased.

"It is fine" Tyler mutters. Then he looks at me and says, "I donut care what you think. You are Miss Stress!"

I laugh at him. "You said donut, you are aware of that, right?"

Tyler looks at her seriously. "I may be the best guy on this earth, but I certainly am an eater. My life circles around food, including them good old donuts."

"Weirdo!" I say but I could not keep the smile off my face. I still do not get how Troye spends his whole life with Tyler, he is so annoying but so fricking funny. I'd loose my impatientence with him too often! Troye must really love him.

If you did not know, Troye and Tyler are together, TROYLER! That has been my otp for as long as I can remember. When they told me, I cried for several hours, saying that my life was aweosme, Troyler meant that much to me! It is so good to see Tyler as happy as he used to be. He got pretty upset when rumors came out that Connor Franta and Troye were dating. Thank god it was a rumor, it crushed Tyler inside and out. It was because of Connor's coming out video, people made rumors that Troye helped him make the video and someone said that in the video, the reason that Connor cried and then suddenly stopped was because Troye kissed him to make him feel better, and that they just edited that bit out. I'm sorry but what the hell! I love Connor but oh my! And how the hell would you find that out... IT IS EDITED OUT, HOW IS THAT EVEN KNOWN!

I felt bad for Connor as well. He did not love Troye, and Troye did not love him but everyone made Tyler think that, and Tyler went from being the happiest guy to the saddest. So many viewers noticed the drop in Tyler's confidence. That is when Troyler became bigger and a gossip magazine named it the most used, supported and shipped otp and ship name in history!

Then the video that they were together came out and the fandom went crazy. Best day ever.

Sorry to let that all out, just had to be said and explained.

Lets to catch a taxi, something I have never even dreamed of doing.


"Come on!" Tyler calls as we run across the sidewalk to get a taxi.

"I am in heels, Tyler! Respect!" I yell, running across, as fast as I can.

"I respect my women, Niomi! You should already know that about me!" Tyler replies and I hear him chuckle.

I swear as I see Tyler calling a taxi that stops for him and I am still meters away from him. I stop and take off my babies (heels) and run, bare footed, to him. Tyler laughs at me as I approche him, I glare at him and get in taxi and put my shoes back on.

"Come on, Niomi! You gotta have an adventure at some point!" Tyler hugs me and I sigh.

"Adventure does not mean breaking my new heels!"

As I put them on, I hear him whisper, "Miss Stress, cough."


Hey guys, sorry for uploads being really late on a Sunday night. I am going to write in the weekdays this week as I want to, tbh.

I was at a sleepover last night so thats why I did not upload, it was so fun though and I love my friends a lot

btw everything I wrote about Troyler is a lie, i really want them to set sail *cry*

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