Free Sunday || Jim & LucyAndLydia

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You guys will get what I mean when I say Jim and LucyAndLydia, don't worry xxxx


Sunday was the youtuber free day! One day to go until we are expected to be flawless and, in my case, hot.

Tan said I look like a handsome devil but yeah. I'm Tan's soon to be husband so she must find me handsome. Why am I going into this? No. I just want a day relaxing and exploring the pool, field and all the adventures. I was going to go out with Alfie but he's still with Zoe. Which I was completely fine with. More than fine, I wanted him to help Zoe. We all try so hard to help her with anxiety because it looked harder than we thought. Apparently, she had a temperature after her panic attack. Tan told me everything that night. She stayed up, waiting for me to get home to tell me everything. She felt bad that she hadn't done much to look after Zoe through her anxiety. I was shocked and felt so bad for Zoe. I also felt bag for Tan, feeling that Alfie was the only person that could even help her. I wanted to tell her that today but I thought it was right to say that she needed space.

Instead of going out with Alfie, I went out with some other friends. Me and Tan went to have breakfast, with Nimbob and Markbob. It was bacon, scrambled eggs and bread. Or there was cereal, which I had always preferred.

After that, me, Marcus and Chai went out to shop for clothes. I had never talked to Chai before. All I knew was that he was close with Alfie. It seemed like a pretty rocking day so far, if I don't say so myself.

Jim, that didn't make sense.


Lucy POV (get it now!)


Today was the first proper day in the house. Everyone was saying how Google tricked us but I wasn't believing that. Google pay me money that give me a life. I don't believe. Lydia didn't but then Gabby got on her. Gabby tried me but I said no. I didn't believe it.

Me and Gabby were going out to buy some clothes for the shoot on Monday and the filming. It was crazy, me and Lydia being here. There were people with 6.9 million subscribers and us with not even million yet our amazing viewers demanded us to be there.

What a crazy life I lead.


Lydia POV


I was shocked that Lucy wasn't believing me. About a google. She always did. But I tried not to let that bother me.

I was filming a main channel video for a while. Okay, I was having thoughts about starting my own channel. Called Lydiaxox.

I know! It's crazy! Lucy would be so angry and feel horrible. I do too. But everytime they say to me, "are you Lucy?" I feel like I am not good enough to be a person, so I was put with Lucy. I want a life on my own, not shared. I sound so horrid! I can't believe I feel this way it's.... Ugh, I can't just say I want to quit the channel. It's just... Yeah.

I wish Lucy felt the same.

And I wish my life wasn't to complicated.


Happy new year guys! 2015 is going to be good. I'm seeing ED SHEERAN live with my best friend. I can't wait!

Sorry this is wasn't that long and I haven't updated recently. I will start trying to write linger ones.

If you want to hear from me way more, I have twitter :)

Twitter: @suggdeyes5

My picture is Alfies signed book and poster x


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